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37,456 PEOPLE
The Number of People who read Bettina Network’s Blog in November, 2016 was 37,456. Starting this month you are able to sign up to have Bettina Network’s Blog delivered to your email box whenever a new Blog is posted. Up until now. you had to go to the Blog to read the newest one and…
Read MoreTRUMP: An Analysis
11/14/2016 We have all had quite a week. We put out two petitions asking you to sign them. The blog before this one has the URL which you can copy and put into your address line to get the petitions. We also put out a petition through Groundswell. These petitions ask that a Special Prosecutor…
Read MoreWho Reads Bettina Networks Blog?
In September, 2016 42,398 people read Bettina Network Blog! ________________________________________________________ Learn More About How We Use Your Donation! [give_form id=”3763″] _______________________________________________________ Everything talked about in this blog and in any other blog in the Bettina Network, inc. is the opinion of the person who wrote the blog and does not necessarily represent the opinions of…
Read MoreThe TRUMP TICKET Exposed!
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016 The Vice Presidential debates for the 2016 campaign for the Presidency of the United States happened last night. They laid bare the American soul. The candidate for president – Donald Trump – has shown himself to be unstable, irresponsible, saying one thing today and another tomorrow and basically someone who…
Read MoreGhanaian and Columbian Skin Care
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016 We have not had enough time to test this out on several people over a long period of time, however, for a few days on about 3 people it has had stunning results. A previous blog was about Pineapple Skins for Skin care – an old Ghanaian treatment. In conversation…
Read MorePineapple Skins for Health and Beauty
A suggestion we picked up from a guest from Ghana on using the skins of a pineapple to help cure a fever. This is something Hillary Clinton could have used to deal with the fever which apparently caused her trouble at the 9/11 Memorial. A little steam infused with pineapple skins before going to the Memorial…
Read MoreA Sample of Bettina Network’s Lessons and Requirements!
Bettina Network, inc. has guidelines and lessons for those who join the Network with a talent, body of knowledge, wisdom, art, craft, etc that they want to share. To give you an idea as to what these small lessons and requirements are, we share the following: “We understand all of the marketing behind stainless steel and…
Read MoreMelania Trump’s Convention Speech
An amazing speech! It had nothing to do with anything except a hollywood script writer planning a movie of pure fiction. We watched her come on stage and the greeting by her husband was anything but warm. It looked like – don’t touch me, I am made up and dressed and don’t want you to…
Read MoreMore on the Weight Blog
I am happy the person wrote to you about not using soap. I haven’t used soap for years. He uses Apple Cider Vinegar when he gets really dirty in places. That’s fine – I do that also, but I also use organic dried milk to clean up. A little in the hand and then rub…
Read MoreThe Rev. Nicholas Hood
by: Marceline Donaldson, April 11, 2016 Some remembrances write themselves. This one is being written through heavy grief because it is not only a memory of Nicholas Hood, but long overdue grieving of my youth and someone who contributed majorly to who I am as a Christian today. Nicholas Hood is in my heart and…
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