Ghanaian and Columbian Skin Care

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016 We have not had enough time to test this out on several people over a long period of time, however, for a few days on about 3 people it has had stunning results. A previous blog was about Pineapple Skins for Skin care – an old Ghanaian treatment.  In conversation…

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Pineapple Skins for Health and Beauty

A suggestion we picked up from a guest from Ghana on using the skins of a pineapple to help cure a fever. This is something Hillary Clinton could have used to deal with the fever which apparently caused her trouble at the 9/11 Memorial.  A little steam infused with pineapple skins before going to the Memorial…

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A Sample of Bettina Network’s Lessons and Requirements!

Bettina Network, inc. has guidelines and lessons for those who join the Network with a talent, body of knowledge, wisdom, art, craft, etc that they want to share. To give you an idea as to what these small lessons and requirements are, we share the following: “We understand all of the marketing behind stainless steel and…

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A Solution to Police Violence

“When you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.”  That is truth and a quote from some fount of wisdom. Back in the 1970’s when I lived in Minneapolis I was on the board of the Minneapolis Urban Coalition.  We worked hard to attempt to establish Civilian Review Boards which would work with the police…

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The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro (Ed. Note:  25 to 35 Million Africans were robbed of their freedom; taken from their country and put into slavery for 400 plus years – first by the Arabs and then by Europeans and Americans – Southern Americans, but the people in America who most benefitted from…

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CRAFTERS and others – A Way to Share!

Join Bettina Network, inc. and become a member of this great Lifestyle Community.  Join with Musicians, Artists, Theologians, Designers, Nutritionists, Doctors, Lawyers, Business Executives, Philathropists, Nurses, Secretaries, Videographers and others to become one great educational institution – become one of the Bettina Network Hedge Schools (patent pending). Use your homes to welcome guests who are…

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More on the Weight Blog

I am happy the person wrote to you about not using soap.  I haven’t used soap for years.  He uses Apple Cider Vinegar when he gets really dirty in places.  That’s fine – I do that also, but I also use organic dried milk to clean up.  A little in the hand and then rub…

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Weight, Beauty, Looking Young – always!

copyright 2016, Bettina Network, inc. We have had much correspondence and many breakfasts around the topic of food, gaining weight, losing weight, looking beautiful, how to stay young, etc. – both at Bettina Homes and elsewhere. We have gathered up all of our notes and this is the result. Many breakfast discussions have centered around…

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Conspiracy Theories?

Breakfast at a Bettina Network Hedge School can be awesome as you talk to so many different people who come from amazing places with experiences that span the globe and includes ideas, history, remembrances and thought processes that sharpen your own. I would not trade being a part of Bettina Network Hedge Schools for anything.…

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Theologians Worldwide Join Us!

What a wonderful resource for you and the rest of the world to add your home to Bettina Network Hedge Schools. Where does one go to learn about your own religion, or other religions of the world?  Not from books which give a very stilted structure and outdated information, but from someone who is doing…

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