The United States President = Pathological Liar

It is amazing to see “Mr. President” referred to every day as a Pathological Liar.  I have lived through many presidents and not everyone has been happy with the current president, but all of them – except maybe Richard Nixon – have been respected even when one could not agree with some of their policies…

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We Heard Your Call to Investigate and Write!

To the editor: Thank you for that blog.  We – me and a small group of friends – heard your call to investigate and put together the pieces we have and write about what is happening.  We are going to do exactly that and hope others will follow suit. We have a little information, but…

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One could say God’s justice to America for setting up the Electoral College and ruining what could have been a beautiful democratic country has arrived in the form of a caricature of the person they wanted to insure that “White” Males – most like America’s founding fathers – would always be in control of the…

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A Promoter of Conspiracy Theories – President?

America – really?  You elected a man who was the spokesperson and promoter of conspiracy theories as your president? Really?  Come on – that can’t be real.  Are you really that racist, America? The last president spent eight years in office – an African American.  He was elected – and re-elected.  He was respected around…

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37,456 PEOPLE

The Number of People who read Bettina Network’s Blog in November, 2016 was 37,456. Starting this month you are able to sign up to have Bettina Network’s Blog delivered to your email box whenever a new Blog is posted. Up until now. you had to go to the Blog to read the newest one and…

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copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016 The Vice Presidential debates for the 2016 campaign for the Presidency of the United States happened last night. They laid bare the American soul. The candidate for president – Donald Trump – has shown himself to be unstable, irresponsible, saying one thing today and another tomorrow and basically someone who…

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What we all have been trying to understand is why so many people – good, kind, loving, caring people – are supporting and intend to vote for Donald Trump. They have seen – as we all have – Trump’s negatives.  So why and where does this support come from?  We are past the racism, and sexism which has…

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Ghanaian and Columbian Skin Care

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016 We have not had enough time to test this out on several people over a long period of time, however, for a few days on about 3 people it has had stunning results. A previous blog was about Pineapple Skins for Skin care – an old Ghanaian treatment.  In conversation…

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A Response to the Melania Trump speech

I’ve read how Melanie Trump – who said the speech she wrote was her own doing and she read over it quickly, one time – feels about this campaign and what she thinks is her coming role as First Lady.  It was pretty bad.  I didn’t know it was plagiarized, but I did know something…

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Melania Trump’s Convention Speech

An amazing speech!  It had nothing to do with anything except a hollywood script writer planning a movie of pure fiction. We watched her come on stage and the greeting by her husband was anything but warm.  It looked like – don’t touch me, I am made up and dressed and don’t want you to…

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