From a Bettina Oracle Reader

Thank you for that analysis on Trump’s Presidency. I have long thought that the American Public is being robbed of great treasures because our tax money has to be spent controlling a greedy, fascist and out of control corporate boardrooms. If there were ethics in our business schools and ethics demanded of our business management…

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U. S. President is Trump or Pence-Koch?

We had an interesting breakfast – one of many, but this one stood out given the current political climate so I am sending you this blog with a bit of a summary.  The talk was mostly about untangling the politics currently on view.  Things are never what they seem on the surface so what is…

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Trump and Putin Meet, but clearly not for the first time!

It was interesting to see Putin and Trump meet.  This was touted as their ‘first face to face meeting’.  We would respectfully disagree.  What we saw was two men who were quite familiar with each other and had a strong friendship going which to us looked as though it had developed over several years. From…

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A Letter from a Member

Dear Bettina people: I love you folks.  Thanks for the post on Trump needing to admit and go all the way with his transgender self. Being called ‘crazy’ didn’t sit quite right with me, but your “oracle” hit the nail on the head. Unfortunately, he is who we voted for and he is who he…

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How to Look 50 at 80 years old!

We took advantage of Bettina Network Hedge Schools and stayed at a house where we wanted to know the wife’s beauty secrets.  We’ve seen her for years and thought she was at most 60 years old.  When we discovered she was actually 79 we almost flipped out so we immediately made reservations and said in…

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We Are Being Played! Trumped!

The “roll out” of Donald J. Trump’s tax program was amazing.  It is the (1%) one percenters dream.  If it goes through it create a country without responsibility to anyone except its top ten percent – the bottom nine percent of this top ten percent will be the recipients of this country’s “welfare”.  It is the…

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Creating a Totalitarian State

What does it take to turn a democracy/republic into a fascist totalitarian state? We saw some of that happen during Germany’s change to the Third Reich.  We are looking at another example with the United States. What struck me was the Executive Order of Donald Trump’s making all of the information on the internet –…

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Trump Tries to Trash Rice!

Well, if you thought Trump was just playing at being a bigot – have no fear – your thoughts are wrong. To attempt to control the public conversation and steer it away from the Russian interference with the American presidential election and his possible collusion with that Russian interference, Trump has attempted to destroy the…

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Comey/Head of FBI/QuidProQuo?

Listening to the hearings on Monday was quite emotional.  Getting feedback from many – it was amazing to hear that most of us agreed on the same thing.  That is highly unusual.  We tend to be a disagreeable lot! Most striking about those hearings was to know and remember that James Comey came out with…

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And God laughed………..

Well, once again the United States Court system has come through – keeping to its Constitutional mandates. This time, however, there is a side issue and in that issue one can see God’s hand. The decision to block Donald Trump’s bigotry as it constantly spews out of the White House and out of his every…

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