Even More Stock Market Information

copyright by The Bettina Network, inc. 2010 A summary of this breakfast’s stock market conversation is only for the strong of heart. We had a guest who was celebrating wildly at breakfast. He owns 1 million shares of a little stock called EKWX. To find it we had to go to http://investorshub.advfn.com/, an information web…

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Cayenne Pepper Stories

copyright 2010 Bettina Network, inc. Stories about Cayenne Pepper and what it does for you have been floating around the breakfast table at a couple Bettina homes for several years. The first time we heard about cayenne pepper – other than as a spice in your food – was from a Canadian Guest, in town…

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A Change to Bettina’s Coconut Cake

copyright 2010 Bettina Network, inc. by a guest I made the Coconut Cake and it was just as great as I had hoped it would be. I did a few things a little different and wanted to share that with you. For the icing, I used whole eggs instead of just the egg whites. I…

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Breakfast at Bettina’s – By a Guest!

This is great!  I’ve had this secret wish to be a journalist for a long time.  I do a lot of writing, but all scientific and publishing for scientific journals so you can guess I am an astrophysicist, and those who stay at Bettina’s a lot and recommended this house to me – you know…

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The harpist you heard at a Bettina home is —-

Deborah Henson-Conant.  A fantastic jazz harpist and Grammy nominated electric pedal harpist.  If you have a chance, don’t miss one of her concerts.  In the meantime if you want to see her again try this www.youtube.com/watch?v-pECeohhUBSs or www.hipharp.com A great, fun experience!!!  She has quite a few videos on Youtube.com.  I don’t know if she…

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What I like most about Bettina homes!

I read your update on adding computers to Bettina homes.  I call only Bettina’s when I travel and because of my research I mostly travel to Harvard Square Cambridge.  I wouldn’t stay anyplace else.  When you leave home you leave all your conveniences.  I like to play the guitar when I get home from a…

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An Interesting New Book by a Bettina Guest

NUMINA ~ Power, Spirit Place by Anne Gordon What follows is an interview of Anne Gordon by Anne Allanketner about the process that went into the writing of “NUMINA”. “Anne discovered labyrinths in 1997 and became a Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator in 2002. She lives in Eugene, Oregon, is married, and has a 20 year-old son.…

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Divining at Breakfast

by Marceline Donaldson copyrighted to Marceline Donaldson 2009 We had a really fun and interesting breakfast a few days ago.  We had the opportunity to watch one of our guests use a V shaped tree branch in the dining room to find water.  She walked around with the divining rod, which she broke off the…

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