Ghanaian and Columbian Skin Care

copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016 We have not had enough time to test this out on several people over a long period of time, however, for a few days on about 3 people it has had stunning results. A previous blog was about Pineapple Skins for Skin care – an old Ghanaian treatment.  In conversation…

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Pineapple Skins for Health and Beauty

A suggestion we picked up from a guest from Ghana on using the skins of a pineapple to help cure a fever. This is something Hillary Clinton could have used to deal with the fever which apparently caused her trouble at the 9/11 Memorial.  A little steam infused with pineapple skins before going to the Memorial…

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Transforming Africa! A Poem by Esi Elliot

Copyright by Bettina Network, inc. for Esi Elliot Africa, once again is transforming into a king Linking, Bridging and reaching to unite as one motherland! Embracing and lacing through cleave of nations, Moving from collision to coalition. Golden chains of economic cooperation that adorn the neck – Thinking – A crown of dazzling precious stones…

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