Food Shopping
A Weight Loss Tip!
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2012 Over the breakfast table we heard about cinnamon and weight loss. We tried it and amazingly it works. We tried the suggestion which said have a cup of warm milk (whole milk – preferably non-homogenized and non-pasteurized, but if you can’t get that the regular pasteurized milk is fine. The…
Read MoreBettina Having Fun!
Our technology knowledge is moving fast. You will find grapics, videos, music and more on Bettina Network’s Blog. You will also find information about companiess and reviews of events. For the company – these are not paid advertisements – we do not take paid advertisements. These are comments and information from a member of the…
Read MoreThe Concord Cheese Shop
copyright 2010 by Julie – Traveling Taste Buds Hours Open: Tue-Fri 10am-5:30pm and Sat 9:30am-5:30pm web site: email: 29 Walden Street Concord, MA. 01742-2504 978 369 5778 One of Concord’s celebrated establishments, a perennial “Best of Boston,” not to be missed by any visitor to the town center, has lured foodies down Walden…
Read MoreWhole Foods Out of the Box
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2010 October is Non-GMO month and we are acutely aware of those who are working to eliminate food grown with GENETICALLY MODIFIED SEED and those who are the great transgressors. Whole Foods has become a leader in the Non-GMO movement and we commend them on that effort and praise them for…
The Bettina Network, inc. copyright 2010 We have started a new tradition, thanks to a guest, from Oxford in England, who makes Espresso for himself every morning with a popcorn popper and good, green espresso coffee beans. It was a fascinating conversation to realize something which I had dismissed as complicated, time-consuming, etc. is being…
Read MoreEggs for Breakfast?
copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2010 Needless to say, there has been much talk around Bettina breakfast tables about eggs – given all the media coverage which concentrated on one large farms’ transgression and didn’t give any coverage to the alternatives we have to keep away from eggs with salmonella and other bad things. This…
Read MoreSearching for Goats MILK!
We are searching for Organic Whole Raw Goats Milk Kefir! If we can’t find the Organic Whole Raw Goats Milk Kefir – if you know of a source for Organic Whole Raw Goats Milk let us know that to – we will make our own Kefir. We have received lots of mail about one of…
Read MoreSaw Palmetto over breakfast
copyright 2009 The Bettina Network, inc. Great breakfast conversations today! The bit of information I would like to share is from the gentleman who had to stop at the GNC to pick up a bottle of Saw Palmetto before leaving the country. He buys a couple bottles each time he is in the U. S.…
Read MoreBettina’s Box of Shame
copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009 Bettina’s Box of Shame is for those who violate their own propaganda and policies and whose violations hurt the rest of us. Three times in “Bettina’s Box of Shame” lands you on “Bettina’s Hall of Shame.” Earning its way into “Bettina’s Box of Shame” today is WHOLE FOODS…
copyright 2008 the Bettina Network, inc. We have been noticing what looks like a regular marketing practice in some of the Whole Foods stores. We can’t say all because we have not visited all. When Whole Foods is about to push or introduce a new Whole Foods brand – the other brands seem to disappear…
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