………An Elegant Historical House for Sale!

49 Hawthorn Street – Cambridge, MA. 02138 – $5,800,000. What follows, under “House for Sale” describes a house which we would like to bring to your attention.  We hope you will consider buying the house – either for yourself, your family or for one of your favorite institutions and/or charities.      The house we…

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Danforth and Thiel have What in common?

The more we research the more unbelievable it all becomes. Maybe we are naive with expectations we should dump. Maybe the world needs to stop idolizing white male northern-europeans-ancestry people and start over again including everyone in decisions, actions, all to advance better living for everyone. It is really tiring to see generation after generation…

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Identity Politics – U.S.A. Style

We are currently deep into “Identity Politics” – put there by Donald Trump and his push for power at any cost. We had a hilarious time as we gathered because someone brought up the current Republican drive to become the WASP Party in America. It was hilarious because the remaining people who identify as Republicans…

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WHO IS Q – as in QANON? What are “Q”s other accomplishments!

The United States and hence the world are being torn apart by one man’s craziness (or should we say one man’s evil)! It is as if satan has arrived and started to work through a few and is now successfully pulling in their friends, family, organizations, life. Let us not keep you in suspense. Q…

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To Wear a Mask or go Maskless says what about you?

by: Marceline Donaldson I am old enough to remember and to have been through the campaigns against smoking. When it was discovered that smoking caused cancer and even second hand smoke could damage the health of the person inhaling another persons’ cigarette smoke, it was quite a brawl. Sort of like the one we are…

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