Romney – Pelosi – Trump

by: Marceline Donaldson The experience of having seen and heard Mitt Romney lay out in all its rawness, his reasons for voting to convict Donald Trump was amazing, confirming and an experience I shall never forgot and one for which I give thanks. In doing so, Romney gave all of us a pattern for how…

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The Story – a new editor

“What is racism, bigotry, ethnocentrism, homophobia, etc.? The actual experiences of people who have had to endure the bigotry of others while they tried to move along and achieve their life goals gives an understanding of bigotry which helps us root it out of our lives and out of the institutions in which we live…

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Tell the Story!

These are actual instances of how institutional racism and personal bigotry work hand in glove to destroy attempts to change this society from one of White Supremacy and Patriarchy to one which looks beyond physical differences. (I will start – send your stories to share with those who need to understand on a conscious level…

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