The Solution to the U. S. Dilemma with the Republican Party!

It is time for the United States voters to take a good, clear look at the Republican Party and what it is about,. It is also time for United States voters to take a good look at where they stand on bigotry. Racism and its related sins has been internalized and that internalization accepted as…

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Roe V Wade – Another step closer to Adolf and his ilk!

Two decisions came down from the Supreme Court – one day apart. Looking at those decisions what strikes us is the fact that they show the Supreme Court of the United States is showing it is deep into “Situational Ethics.” Given that, they can overturn anything, make any ruling and they don’t have to hold…

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Danforth and Thiel have What in common?

The more we research the more unbelievable it all becomes. Maybe we are naive with expectations we should dump. Maybe the world needs to stop idolizing white male northern-europeans-ancestry people and start over again including everyone in decisions, actions, all to advance better living for everyone. It is really tiring to see generation after generation…

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GOP and Global Terrorism

The change Donald Trump’s presidency has brought to these United States is to join one of the political parties with the terrorists trying to take over countries to exercise power and control by any violent, destructive, death producing means necessary. In that he is very much like Bin Laden except Bin Laden was physically a…

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“Q” is Trump?

Your article identifying Q as Donald Trump really struck a familiar chord. Many of us have been talking about this cult and as we put pieces together we were coming to the same conclusion – That “Q” was actually Donald Trump. Your reasoning also fit. Trump has been building to this crescendo at the end…

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WHO IS Q – as in QANON? What are “Q”s other accomplishments!

The United States and hence the world are being torn apart by one man’s craziness (or should we say one man’s evil)! It is as if satan has arrived and started to work through a few and is now successfully pulling in their friends, family, organizations, life. Let us not keep you in suspense. Q…

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Donald J. Trump – Mentally ill or evil!!

There is a huge difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who is just plain evil. Looking back and through Donald Trump’s life, it is clear he is not mentally ill, he is clearly evil and has practiced his craft for decades. Who in literature – especially biblical and spiritual literature do you…

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We need to make this an article, but what else is there to say! We remember when there were articles about Senators taking money from the NRA for their political campaigns. Could that be why they are now so quiet about this Trump ‘Coup d’Etat’ thing? And why they are so quiet about so many…

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