A New Year and a New Way for doing the same thing! – Trash and Garbage Disposal!
As the number of people who inhabit this world increases exponentially and become entangled in the culture of disposing of trash and garbage, what do you do? Do you add to the mess or have you discovered ways to do trash and garbage disposal to the benefit of all? – especially clean streets, clean sidewalks,…
Read MoreJ. P. Morgan Chase Bank – institutional Racism?
Chase Bank recently came to Boston and set up offices around the area. They organized and internalized what they needed to succeed in this New England area. That includes internalizing the extreme racism of the area. What is it like to be African American in these United States? We talk about addressing racism and wanting…
Read MoreReal Estate – Is this the cause of the extreme racism which refuses to break and go away?
Because of the business we were in, we spent many years closely aligned with the real estate community. During that time our discoveries were shocking and as we try to sell our house all the lessons we learned and tried to address are incorporated in that attempt. The racism in the real estate industry is…
Read MoreA Series – Part ONE: Racism, Sexism and more…. – the structurally divided system we call the United States of America! But, it could also be called the World in Which We Live! This series will cover what maintains it in such an evil way with individual examples!
We write and talk a lot about the bigotry of racism, sexism and so much more. We keep that talk on an institutional level. Very seldom do we write and talk with individual, real -true-to-life examples. That would interfere with our ability to deny – which is the foundation of what allows those structures to…
Read More………An Elegant Historical House for Sale!
49 Hawthorn Street – Cambridge, MA. 02138 – $5,800,000. What follows, under “House for Sale” describes a house which we would like to bring to your attention. We hope you will consider buying the house – either for yourself, your family or for one of your favorite institutions and/or charities. The house we…
Read MoreStructural Racism/Rittenhouse/Blacks & Jews
by: Marceline Donaldson A huge topic and we will not even skim the surface. Racism, when it has become “structured” into a society and into its institutions, is a very complex thing. We like to think it is an “unfortunate incident” which happened because the person to whom it happened was complicit in some way.…
Read MoreDanforth and Thiel have What in common?
The more we research the more unbelievable it all becomes. Maybe we are naive with expectations we should dump. Maybe the world needs to stop idolizing white male northern-europeans-ancestry people and start over again including everyone in decisions, actions, all to advance better living for everyone. It is really tiring to see generation after generation…
Read MoreFACEBOOK, AirBNB and all the other startups turned billion dollar corporations!
There are some things we know, but do not talk about. We flesh out our knowing with hypocrisy, lies, reasons which we know are false and more. For example, we know there are minuscule amounts of minorities who receive investment money for their startups and lets include women in that group. We don’t really stop…
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