WHO IS Q – as in QANON? What are “Q”s other accomplishments!

The United States and hence the world are being torn apart by one man’s craziness (or should we say one man’s evil)! It is as if satan has arrived and started to work through a few and is now successfully pulling in their friends, family, organizations, life. Let us not keep you in suspense. Q…

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Bettina Members Respond to Trump

Bettina Member Speaks: Thank you for the blog on Kobe Bryant. No one wants to go there, but Donald Trump has pulled out all the stops to distract from his horribleness and he has been very good at it. It took me quite awhile before I realized the distractions he and his followers apparently created…

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Hard to Write This Trump Conspiracy Theory!!

Ed. Note: Progressives can engage in conspiracy theories as well as right wing conservatives. We thought long and hard before publishing this, however, we give our members the right to send us articles to include in Bettina Network’s Blog and so we will hold to our promise to publish!! Member 6 – I was appalled,…

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Many Responses to Trump Article!

Since we had several responses to the same blog – we thought we would combine them as best we can to let you know what members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community are thinking about and responding to.  These are not direct quotes as we have tried to condense some, which were very long, and write…

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Conspiracy Theory = Smoking Hot!

I go along with that conspiracy theory.  Listen to Trump do everything he can to lessen the load on the person arrested for the truck killings.  He has talked enough to prejudice the jury pool nationally; crosses over his constitutional authority by ignoring the separation which should exist between him and the justice dept and…

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Another Response to Trump

Wow!  I was glad to see the article by “A Paranoid Reader”.  You can call the reader paranoid, but when I heard about the truck killing all of those people in New York, my first thought is that it was Trump behind that tragedy. Call it what you may, but I believe that truck incident…

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