A Response to “Dogs = Emotional Slavery”

Thank you for your blog on dogs.  I didn’t think anyone would have the guts to say what many of us are thinking and afraid to say because all around us are people who are so totally into their dogs it is pathetic, while the rest of the world just shakes its head in disbelief.…

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Thanks for the Sandra Bland blog

It is amazing how little there is about Sandra Bland in the major media outlets.  What is there that I have heard talks about her committing suicide and whatever else negative could be found. I am sending this list, which I got from the FMF (Feminist Movement Foundation) newsletter.  I think Sandra Bland needs to…

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Response to “Strange Fruit” – Sandra Bland

Wow, Cookie!  Every time I look away from your blog you have taken it to a new height.  What a prophetic voice.  Who knew! Thank you for this blog.  It says everything I wanted to say in ways I hadn’t even thought about.  The parallel to Billie Holiday singing “Strange Fruit” is awesome. I don’t…

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Trump, Thurmond, Duke

Thank you for the blog on Donald Trump.  I am amazed at how edited the press reporting is on this man and his political machinations. Too many people are calling this a “Republican” phenomenon.  I want to remind them that Strom Thurmond, in whose shoes Trump is walking politically and otherwise, was a Democrat –…

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Response to Dalezal Blog

Hey guys, I sent you an email signing up as a member of The Black Race.  Why isn’t my name in the membership list yet?  I know you are busy, but pay attention – check your emails. I stand with Rachel Dalezal!  What she has done takes guts.  In addition, – oh, btw, I used…

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Rachel Dolezal

by: Marceline Donaldson Ms. Dolezal is paying a high price, claiming to be who she feels she is inside – which is the right we all have in this life. But look – who is that they are nailing to a cross and raising high into the air for all to see? Is that Ms.…

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Dog Post Response

A response from a member of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community to the post on “Dogs, Dogs and more Dogs! “Thank you for that post.  I was overjoyed to see someone pointing out how much we spend on our pets in view of some desperate human beings who have to fight to get a meal each…

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