Bettina Network Foundation, inc. and the elderly!

As many of you know, we have been through some horrifying times over the past few months. What we learned is that the elderly are at risk in this society and many are being exploited with their assets, freedom, health and more increasingly attacked and stripped away for the benefit of others. We are adding…

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We need to make this an article, but what else is there to say! We remember when there were articles about Senators taking money from the NRA for their political campaigns. Could that be why they are now so quiet about this Trump ‘Coup d’Etat’ thing? And why they are so quiet about so many…

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Girl, that could be you!

Marceline, don’t just read this and cast it aside, I am writing it and sending it to you for Bettina Network’s Blog. Someone should write your biography. As I saw Kamala Harris I thought about you and had to sit down with my pen before I got involved in something else and this moment would…

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Guardianship is a Civil Rights issue and evil!

As we have moved along trying to understand all that happened with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, whose life was almost destroyed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and its hangers on, we have come to realize that RACISM – SEXISM – ANTI-SEMITISM – and more are where the targets are aimed in this new…

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Electoral College Trumps Democracy!

With the upcoming vote being what is dominating the news, the one thing mostly absent from the discussion is the Electoral College. We have suffered through Donald Trump as president because of the racism and sexism structured into this country and its Constitution by our Founding Father. They were unable to envision a country in…

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A summary of what happened to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, being sent to their neighbors and friends because of a request for contributions sent to them by SCES!

To:   All of our neighbors and friends From:  Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett and Marceline Donaldson             49 Hawthorn Street             Cambridge, MA. 02138 We just received a request for money from Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services.  That same request was sent to everyone…

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