Danforth and Thiel have What in common?
The more we research the more unbelievable it all becomes. Maybe we are naive with expectations we should dump. Maybe the world needs to stop idolizing white male northern-europeans-ancestry people and start over again including everyone in decisions, actions, all to advance better living for everyone. It is really tiring to see generation after generation…
Read MoreFACEBOOK, AirBNB and all the other startups turned billion dollar corporations!
There are some things we know, but do not talk about. We flesh out our knowing with hypocrisy, lies, reasons which we know are false and more. For example, we know there are minuscule amounts of minorities who receive investment money for their startups and lets include women in that group. We don’t really stop…
Read MoreRetaliation or Coincidence?
by: Marceline Donaldson So much harassment has happened since the last Bettina Network Blog was circulated. That last article was about the $300,000.00 and counting drained from our assets by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services. I should add, since our horribilis experience we have discovered several African Americans and Jews who have had similar…
Read MoreHistorically Speaking –
We need to become more knowledgeable about history. What is happening today will make a lot of sense if you know your personal history – the history of your country – the history of your family, etc. Let’s take a look at what is happening in Texas and put it in a historical context: What…
Read MoreMichael Cohen, A Jew – Experiencing Structural and Institutional Bigotry by the FEC
Michael Cohen, at the direction of his boss, Donald J. Trump, acted in a way which violated the law. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison. Donald Trump, his boss, did the act which caused the problem. He then required Michael Cohen to carry to its fruition the cover-up so Trump would not…
Read MoreIdentity Politics – U.S.A. Style
We are currently deep into “Identity Politics” – put there by Donald Trump and his push for power at any cost. We had a hilarious time as we gathered because someone brought up the current Republican drive to become the WASP Party in America. It was hilarious because the remaining people who identify as Republicans…
Read MoreA Reader’s Request Re: Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett
“I tried to follow the blogs which talked about what happened to Rev. Bennett. I was a student of his and felt great pain reading that. A more gentle caring man you can not find so to read about how he was treated is just horrible. I have a question, which may make me sound…
Read MoreTo Wear a Mask or go Maskless says what about you?
by: Marceline Donaldson I am old enough to remember and to have been through the campaigns against smoking. When it was discovered that smoking caused cancer and even second hand smoke could damage the health of the person inhaling another persons’ cigarette smoke, it was quite a brawl. Sort of like the one we are…
Read MoreSenator Danforth – Episcopal Priest – White //// Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – Episcopal Priest – Black “A democracy for white Americans, but simultaneously a dictatorship over black Americans.”— MLK
Part two of a series: – Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett – black Episcopal priest You and we have seen the power of one Episcopal priest – white. He was able to subvert the democratic process by using money and power. Not the power inherent in why he was called to the ordained priesthood nor giving…
Read MoreDonald J. Trump – Mentally ill or evil!!
There is a huge difference between someone who is mentally ill and someone who is just plain evil. Looking back and through Donald Trump’s life, it is clear he is not mentally ill, he is clearly evil and has practiced his craft for decades. Who in literature – especially biblical and spiritual literature do you…
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