Racism, Sexism, Bigotry of any kind – decoded!

It is difficult to outline bigotry. Mostly if you say to someone you just expewrienced unbridled racism, they will probably respond – “I doubt that”. And when you object because your life has been one experience of racism after another and you feel you know the landscape, they still continue and want you to outline…

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Racism, Sexism, Bigotry of any kind – decoded!

It is difficult to outline bigotry. Mostly if you say to someone you just expewrienced unbridled racism, they will probably respond – “I doubt that”. And when you object because your life has been one experience of racism after another and you feel you know the landscape, they still continue and want you to outline…

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The Solution to the U. S. Dilemma with the Republican Party!

It is time for the United States voters to take a good, clear look at the Republican Party and what it is about,. It is also time for United States voters to take a good look at where they stand on bigotry. Racism and its related sins has been internalized and that internalization accepted as…

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Akron, Ohio – Highland Park, Illinois – Ukraine

The above refers to three related happenings, which we do not connect. There is much talk today, on the major media sites, about the horrible shooting in Akron, Ohio. It was a horrible shooting, but we talk about it as though it stands apart from Ukraine and Highland Park, Illinois. It is not separate from,…

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Roe V Wade – Another step closer to Adolf and his ilk!

Two decisions came down from the Supreme Court – one day apart. Looking at those decisions what strikes us is the fact that they show the Supreme Court of the United States is showing it is deep into “Situational Ethics.” Given that, they can overturn anything, make any ruling and they don’t have to hold…

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TRUMP – McCarthyism – KENNEDY (And let us not forget Putin)

Finally, things are coming to a place where the spotlight is shining and uncovering many corners previously hidden because they were covered with cobwebs and dust. These United States have been recently flirting with turning against its minority citizens a la the Holocaust for some time. One thing is clear – you can tell what…

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Structural Racism/Rittenhouse/Blacks & Jews

by: Marceline Donaldson A huge topic and we will not even skim the surface. Racism, when it has become “structured” into a society and into its institutions, is a very complex thing. We like to think it is an “unfortunate incident” which happened because the person to whom it happened was complicit in some way.…

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