Bettina’s Cookbook
Madeleines – A Delicately Fabulous Tea Cookie
We bake Madeleines every day, yet by the end of the day they are gone! It is one of those light delicacies that won’t let you have just one. And they stay in memory for long after they have been eaten. They are the tea cakes which give meaning to the reference to ‘delicacies’. They draw you…
Read MorePineapple Skins for Health and Beauty
A suggestion we picked up from a guest from Ghana on using the skins of a pineapple to help cure a fever. This is something Hillary Clinton could have used to deal with the fever which apparently caused her trouble at the 9/11 Memorial. A little steam infused with pineapple skins before going to the Memorial…
Read MoreHow To Make Groundnut (Peanut) Soup – Ghanaian Style
by: Abubakari A. Adams …
Read MoreMedjool Date Cake for Breakfast!
This is a fantastic breakfast cake – which makes it a very special ending to good food, great conversation and learning serendipitously from those at a Bettina Network Table. We share it with you and hope you enjoy this as much as we do. We do, however, have to give credit where it is due.…
Read MoreEnglish Biscuits for Tea
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2016 for Marceline Donaldson Tea time is one of my favorite times of the day. And what helps it to be favorite is what is served. Not all tea times are equal. Some are fantastic and some are so bad you just want to forget they happened. One of my favorite…
Read MoreA Japanese/New Orleans Creole Breakfast
I stumbled onto this breakfast, but it is one of the best yet. You do have to have a cosmopolitan taste for this – it is not ham, eggs and sweet breads. ……………………………MENU………………………………… Fresh, organic fruit – Satsuma Mandarins, if they are in season Grits (See recipe in Bettina Cookbook in this blog). Do not…
Read MoreBettina’s Fried Chicken – the Ultimate Recipe
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2015 This is fried chicken the way Grandmother made it. And remember – taste happened in Grandmother’s recipes. Todays’ processed food and processed food recipes have to use lots of salt and sugar to make their food taste. Grandmother used very little sugar in anything and even less salt and the…
Read MoreMarceline’s Brown Biscuits
copyright Bettina Network, inc. 2015 Named by a guest, these ‘biscuits’ are easy to make and they destroy the marketing mythology that cooking and baking are difficult and one must, instead, decamp to the local store to buy the instant variety of anything because we don’t have the time or knowledge enough to cook – we…
Read MoreBettina Kale Chips – an addition
We constantly try to pass along the comments you send in when we find them to be important. “We are finding that as Kale sits in the refrigerator, it gets an ever stronger taste, which I found objectionable. I didn’t know where that taste came from; didn’t realize it was the taste of Kale which was…
Read MoreWater – Water – Everywhere!
From a New Orleans group of folks comes the following advice: – (we haven’t tested it, only pass it along for your use and feedback. As you can tell, folks added what they knew as this email on water went from person to person, hope you will do the same. We could exhaust human knowledge…
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