Holidays and soon more Holidays!

Happy Holiday! How are you spending this holiday? Let me repeat that – Happy Holiday! We wish you joy, peace, happiness and a very fulfilled life which you share with others. Whether you celebrate Easter, Passover, Spring, God of the Universe, etc. etc. may you always delight in your celebrations and may they enrich your…

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French Toast vs. Lost Bread

by: Marceline Donaldson As I turn to New Orleans, many things come back into focus. One is the breakfast phenom called “Lost Bread”. It has now probably become national – maybe even further – so I thought I would share two recipes with you which have geographical significance. French Toast I learned in the North…

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Come for Tea!

One of the best ways we have discovered to stay healthy and away from those things like colds, the flu and other such diseases and infirmities is through drinking different kinds of tea. NO – not the tea bags you buy in the store which you bring home and drop into hot, boiling water thinking…

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Why is Trump Pushing Kavanaugh so Insistently?

From a Bettina Network Lifestyle Member: Why is Donald Trump so consistently and insistently pushing the U. S. Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh? Normally, if anything – no matter how small – surfaces about a Supreme Court nominee, that person immediately and usually quietly withdraws their nomination.  Generally in conversation with the president of…

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Breakfast Oatmeal with Bananas Foster Sauce

A great breakfast which is nutritious and also satisfies your taste for sweet, exotic but not white and sugary. 1.    You need to find ORGANIC Steel Cut Whole Grain Oats.  Nothing less! 2.    For 3 to 4 people measure one cup oatmeal into a lovely glass Corning pot or something equivalent.  No metals…

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Peanut Butter Popcorn Bettina Style

What a great discovery!  You won’t believe the fantastic taste of this popcorn! First – buy organic popcorn.  There are several brands, but it must be organic. Then you will need an air-popper.  This helps because you don’t need oil for the dried corn to pop. Then use the measuring cup that comes with the…

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A Great Snack – Elvis Style!

I was sitting in my kitchen enjoying a cup of tea and a guest comes along with a snack she brought with her. My tea was accompanied by one of my favorite snacks from my days living in Mississippi.  A sandwich made up of organic or home baked raisin bread with peanut butter – oops!…

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Cooking Rice Elegantly!

What if Colonialism had not happened and we gradually moved to a world community – discovering new ideas, ways of doing things, different foods that we are used to eating and cooking, etc. instead of developing a society which claimed some foods and ways of cooking as superior and some to be shunned.?  What a…

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Food – Vanilla – Chicken Stock – Horrors!

I have had to turn off the cooking shows.  I keep looking for one that does something other than season its desserts and sweets with vanilla flavoring and its savories with chicken stock. Ever wonder why describing how dishes taste you always have to add – they taste a little like chicken, don’t know why,…

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