Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community
Congress – Putin – NRA – Compromised?
Just a brief note to hope you mention the fact that many of us believe several Congressional people have been compromised by Russia and Putin. Every-time I hear someone expecting the Republicans to respond to the horrific things happening I wonder what’s wrong with them? It is clear many in Congress have been compromised by…
Read MoreCome to me..see me..hear me..touch me!
Leaves moving this way and that sounds just like big ocean waves. i am elsewhere. Ah! the leaves giving me a kiss on my cheeks cooling me even moving my short hair i have arrived at the ‘mentor tree’ bottom looks like gargoyles, witches faces But look up! many big branches tall and strong! parts…
Quite some time ago I read a blog on these pages about “The Manchurian Candidate” and that was before Trump was elected president and today he is the president of these United States and clearly into treason against the United States. Patterns? Trump went to Canada and alienated U. S. Allies demanding that Russia be…
Read MoreTrump and the U. S. Supreme Court
Members of the Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans and being Republicans, came together to make a decision on the latest version of Trump’s Muslim Band and decided to support the personal bigotry of the Republican President – Donald J. Trump – instead of the Constitution of the United States. When the second African American man…
Read MoreHair Color – Organic/Beautiful/Changeable!
Many breakfast table conversations move into the areas of health and beauty. We have heard just about everything people do to enhance their natural looks and we have tried everything talked about. We don’t put everything out for you to try or know about because we want to make sure someone in the Network has…
Read MoreChildren Weaponized while Satan Quotes Scripture!
by Marceline Donaldson It is unbelievable what is happening in these United States. Trump’s bigotry and actions to “Make America White Again” is totally out of control. We have many questions: In the Internment/Concentration/Death Camps for children why are reporters being kept out? What is going on in those camps which has to be kept…
Read MoreAG Sessions Quoting Scripture? – Try Psalm 52!
by Francis Maloney Since you are deep into scripture Attorney General Sessions – try reading Psalm 52. You might also read it to Donald J. Trump. It certainly fits both of you. 52 Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually. 2 The tongue…
Read MoreBN Lifestyle Member Responds
by: Lani Stacks It is unfortunate that many, and of course, Trump’s followers and fans, think he is the greatest man of all history. I saw right through it as you did. Even the young North Korean dictator was mesmerized by this self-impressed American thug. Kim Jong Un appeared/behaved very child-like as grade or middle…
Read MoreHow to Unstop Your Sinks!
We had a guest who came into the kitchen asking for baking soda and vinegar. We didn’t know what to make of the request and asked if we could help with something? She said no, she had everything under control, but we only had apple cider vinegar and organic at that. She said she had…
Read MoreOn to Scott Pruitt!
Has Pruitt inherited “the Don’s” teflon character or is it just that Pruit is completely ‘protected’ by the Evangelical Christians who cater to Trump and who are currently covering Pruitt? It is time, also, for us to distinguish between “Evangelical Christians” and not paint all of them with the same brush. Hereafter we will call…
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