Trump and Putin Meet, but clearly not for the first time!

It was interesting to see Putin and Trump meet.  This was touted as their ‘first face to face meeting’.  We would respectfully disagree.  What we saw was two men who were quite familiar with each other and had a strong friendship going which to us looked as though it had developed over several years. From…

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Increase Your Income and Life Experiences

Join Bettina Network, inc. and become a member of this great Lifestyle Community. Join with Musicians, Artists, Theologians, Designers, Nutritionists, Doctors, Lawyers, Business Executives, Philathropists, Nurses, Secretaries, Videographers and others to create one great educational institution – become one of the Bettina Network Hedge Schools (patent pending). Use your homes to welcome guests who are…

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The Bettina Oracle Speaks

This has been an incredible time for everyone – especially since you have all been faced with what for many is not understandable and for those of you who do understand what is happening, you are not able to speak about it out of fear. A man, surrounded by many who are there to take…

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The Fourth of July, 2017

What a day we celebrate in a year during which our Republic is once again in jeopardy and we are in fear of all of the gains made by those who went before being trashed.  And – we have only ourselves to blame. To celebrate the Fourth of July with Donald Trump as president of…

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In December 53,244 readers in June 84,437

The blog is growing steadily. It is now time to begin to accept advertisers as the blog becomes a contributor to the world-wide story of our history of human beings and what we are doing – our priorities – and anything else we find relevant. We are looking for your suggestions as to how to…

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AMERICA: your ethics are showing

From slavery – to Jim Crow – to the immense Black Civil Rights movement – to the painful Feminist movement – to the Peace Movement – to Americans for Respect of the Globe and the Universe – to Donald Trump? The election and ‘service’ of Donald Trump has exposed the United States’ underbelly the way…

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A New Harvard President!

by: Marceline Donaldson and Harold E. Doley, Jr. Drew Gilpin Faust, the 28th president of Harvard University has resigned her position effective June 30, 2018. A historian and former head of Radcliff Institute, Ms. Faust did an excellent job of continuing to move this private Ivy League institution, founded in 1636 in “New Town” –…

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Corporate vs Democratic Structures

“It is great to have a business man as president”.  “Maybe now things will get done in a corporate way.”  etc. etc. Do you really want the United States of America to be a Corporate entity – like USA Corp.?  Or the General Motors of America?  Or even Google – scratch that – Alphabet, inc.?…

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How to Look 50 at 80 years old!

We took advantage of Bettina Network Hedge Schools and stayed at a house where we wanted to know the wife’s beauty secrets.  We’ve seen her for years and thought she was at most 60 years old.  When we discovered she was actually 79 we almost flipped out so we immediately made reservations and said in…

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Our Oracle speaks about Trump, Pence et al…

We just couldn’t resist.  With everyone chiming in about all of this we thought it was time for our oracle to speak: “What a grand mess!  Developed from human greed and the need for power to bring about a world in which one can wallow instead of being industrious about and responsible for the welfare…

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