Racism, Sexism, Bigotry of any kind – decoded!

It is difficult to outline bigotry. Mostly if you say to someone you just expewrienced unbridled racism, they will probably respond – “I doubt that”. And when you object because your life has been one experience of racism after another and you feel you know the landscape, they still continue and want you to outline…

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Racism, Sexism, Bigotry of any kind – decoded!

It is difficult to outline bigotry. Mostly if you say to someone you just expewrienced unbridled racism, they will probably respond – “I doubt that”. And when you object because your life has been one experience of racism after another and you feel you know the landscape, they still continue and want you to outline…

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Bettina Network Lifestyle Community – Join us!

Many people are saying “These are hard times in these United States”! But are they really? Many minorities would tell you this is nothing except the hard times they have experienced for generations being made public for all to see and to share in the horribleness of what humans are like when we try to…

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Come to Jesus! But which one?

Several times a year I face this conversation.  It comes from living in a diverse community with friends, colleagues, family and acquaintances who question Christianity – especially today with Donald Trump being the hero and the one “evangelical christians” glorify – all in the name of Jesus – or are they talking about ‘jesus’. It…

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Wells Fargo Boycott continued! – #WellsFargo

The response has been overwhelming.  Hope you will all continue to work with us to promote and make this a successful action.  Your future and ours depends upon it.  As we receive stories from you, we will publish them in Bettina Network’s Blog. Your story of your experience is a very strong weapon.  Not only…

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It Is Time to Boycott Wells Fargo Bank! – #WellsFargo

Bettina Network Foundation, inc. is calling on everyone to join in and actively participate in this boycott of Wells Fargo Bank. For a very long time banks have been fundamental in making sure there is none to very little change in this society.  Racism, sexism, homophobia, class discrimination, who owns and keeps the wealth in…

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In Memory of Francis Albert Dynan

by:  Frances Maloney It is written of Mary of Magdala, that, after the disciples had returned to their homes, Mary lingered like a humming bird before the silent face of the tomb, weeping.  “And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head…

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What is Bettina Network, inc. – i.e. Publications

Bettina Network, inc. has several areas within its corporate structure.  Bettina Network Hedge Schools is one – to refresh your memory or read about the Hedge Schools see https://www.bettina-network.com/blog/archives/3428 Also included in Bettina Network, inc. are its publications: Bettina Network’s Blog and Bettina’s Menu of Events.  Both described below.  If you have questions don’t hesitate to…

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