Rob Porter – Nazi Royalty?

We have watched the arriving and leavings of Trump Administrative people and many conjecture as to why there is such a turnover. Mostly, the upheaval and ugliness of working at the White House for Donald Trump is cited. What is either glossed over or ignored are the dynamics that must be playing out when many…

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Real Estate Taxes/Collusion/Graft

by: Marceline Donaldson It never ceases to amaze me how many people are willing to take part in an obvious rip-off of others with those “others” including themselves and they do this for nothing – mostly not even realizing the rip-off. How many “good” people are willing to ‘go along to get along’ turning their…

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$20 Bill Boycott – Dynamite

While stopping in the bank to make a deposit I stumbled over some incredible information which I would like to share with you. If you want to contribute and are frustrated with Donald Trump and all the rest, but don’t know how to make a difference, this boycott of the $20 to make sure Harriet…

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Declassify and Tweet the Pee Pee Tapes, NOW! And other related subjects!

Ed.Note: We have several communications from members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community which we share with you below. Your feedback is appreciate via email to: Person One: With all that is going on with declassifying – it is time to release the Pee Pee Tapes. If you have such and/or, in the spirit of…

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Impeachment/Trump/July 4th

All of the conjectures about Donald Trump – Nancy Pelosi – Impeachment – who is on which side are amazing. Let me add what we have received from several people: If the beginnings of Trump’s impeachment is declared and voted into being before July 4th Trump will resign out of shame. An emotion he rarely…

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Tiger Woods – No Surprise!

We received little notes from Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Members about the award Donald Trump bestowed upon Tiger Woods. Several expressed surprise that Tiger Woods accepted the award – given the stand many African American and even mixed race African American sports figures have taken. So why is Tiger Woods standing there grinning and proud?…

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Zillow, Realtors, Racism

We have known for generations that the segregated neighborhoods that refuse to show any signs of integration, which cause segregated schools, which are enabled by redlining (although today there are more sophisticated names than redlining), are caused by the collusion between realtors, those serving the professional real estate community, banks and other financial institutions. We…

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Bettina Oracle Speaks – New World Order

So much happening in your world and there are so few people – beyond those doing the planning – who understand and get what is probably going to be their future. George H. W. Bush – Donald Trump – New World Order – blocked by the Clintons. Have you noticed the continuum between H. W.…

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Pelosi – Impeach or Move Aside!

To be so constantly exposed to so much sin takes lots of prayer to maintain. When one goes into a United States of America Court of law one takes certain assumptions. Basic is the one which outlines how agreements, breach of contract, relationships and more work. You find evidence for your side and move on…

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