Bettina Network Educational Institute
Racism, Sexism, Bigotry of any kind – decoded!
It is difficult to outline bigotry. Mostly if you say to someone you just expewrienced unbridled racism, they will probably respond – “I doubt that”. And when you object because your life has been one experience of racism after another and you feel you know the landscape, they still continue and want you to outline…
Read MoreRacism, Sexism, Bigotry of any kind – decoded!
It is difficult to outline bigotry. Mostly if you say to someone you just expewrienced unbridled racism, they will probably respond – “I doubt that”. And when you object because your life has been one experience of racism after another and you feel you know the landscape, they still continue and want you to outline…
Read MoreAn Offering for black history month from “American Diversity Report”
Guardianship is a Civil Rights issue and evil!
As we have moved along trying to understand all that happened with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett, whose life was almost destroyed by Somerville Cambridge Elder and Protective Services and its hangers on, we have come to realize that RACISM – SEXISM – ANTI-SEMITISM – and more are where the targets are aimed in this new…
Read MoreGet Off My Neck! Continuing the story of what is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett!
We are the new folks on the block and took a look at the papers and other things available on what is happening with Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett. They have asked that we make everything public and transparent for all and any to read and learn from. This is a very ugly development in this…
Read MoreBefore You Acquit Donald Trump!
Bettina Network Oracle speaks: Ed Note: We have called in the Bettina Network Oracle because much needs to be revealed which is not now showing and we thought it was important to be able to put out whatever the oracle had to say – good, bad or indifferent. “It is amazing that you have to…
Read MoreA Response by a Bettina Member
First – I am young, white and male. I need to put that out front so you know something about where I am coming from. I am also a scientist who has been using Bettina Network for several years and look forward to my time spent in one of your homes in Harvard Square –…
Read MoreKamala Harris vs Michael Bloomberg
by: Marceline Donaldson My candidate, as everyone knows, is Kamala Harris. I hope her campaign suspension is temporary and she comes back strong. We all acknowledge that Donald Trump needs to go soonest. He is like a huge, overgrown pig eating at the trough pushing everyone else away because he wants no one on his…
Read MoreBettina Network Lifestyle Members Comments
ONE MEMBERS COMMENTS: So much talk about Attorney General Barr. It is clear we give credit to people who have foul ethics and carry them along making excuses for their failings. In the case of Barr it is crystal clear that his family is the reason Jeffrey Epstein was foisted on this society. Epstein was…
Read MoreRacism Obscures Black Male Sexism
by: Marceline Donaldson This presidential campaign, including a black female – Kamala Harris – will experience black male sexism. The major question becomes – how does that look; how has it exhibited in the past; how will it exhibit during this presidential campaign and what is my responsibility to see that it is held in…
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