Bettina Network Blog
Trump – the anti-Christ? Readers Comment
From a Bettina Network Lifestyle Community Member 1. Who writes this stuff! I had in mind the same thing, but didn’t have the guts to say out loud what I have been thinking about all of these forces being acted out in this world today. I am incredibly delighted that your people did. It is…
Read MoreBecoming a christian leader – the anti-Christ
There is a story in the Christian Bible which talks about the temptation of Jesus by Satan: Matthew 4:1-11. Included in those temptations is the one from Matthew 4:8-11. From the King James Version “8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and…
Read MoreTurkey – Armenians – Kurds – Genocide
The second time around for Turkey in a very few years. In 1914 there started a genocide in Turkey of a Christian minority who lived as second class citizens. There started the physical annihilation of Armenian Christian people. It was genocide under the cover of war. In fact, the term “genocide” was coined out of…
Read MoreRacism Obscures Black Male Sexism
by: Marceline Donaldson This presidential campaign, including a black female – Kamala Harris – will experience black male sexism. The major question becomes – how does that look; how has it exhibited in the past; how will it exhibit during this presidential campaign and what is my responsibility to see that it is held in…
Read MoreRob Porter – Nazi Royalty?
We have watched the arriving and leavings of Trump Administrative people and many conjecture as to why there is such a turnover. Mostly, the upheaval and ugliness of working at the White House for Donald Trump is cited. What is either glossed over or ignored are the dynamics that must be playing out when many…
Read MoreReal Estate Taxes/Collusion/Graft
by: Marceline Donaldson It never ceases to amaze me how many people are willing to take part in an obvious rip-off of others with those “others” including themselves and they do this for nothing – mostly not even realizing the rip-off. How many “good” people are willing to ‘go along to get along’ turning their…
Read More$20 Bill Boycott – Dynamite
While stopping in the bank to make a deposit I stumbled over some incredible information which I would like to share with you. If you want to contribute and are frustrated with Donald Trump and all the rest, but don’t know how to make a difference, this boycott of the $20 to make sure Harriet…
Read MoreResponses by Bettina Network Members
I am sending my comments, but I don’t expect this will go anyplace. Trump has this country in a vise and is tightening it daily all to the benefit of his friends in Russia and North Korea and Saudi Arabia as well as other places. He is financially and otherwise beholden to them and they…
Read MoreDeclassify and Tweet the Pee Pee Tapes, NOW! And other related subjects!
Ed.Note: We have several communications from members of Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community which we share with you below. Your feedback is appreciate via email to: Person One: With all that is going on with declassifying – it is time to release the Pee Pee Tapes. If you have such and/or, in the spirit of…
Read MoreBettina Community Members Respond About – Tiger Woods, Mitch McConnell, Trump and Erdogan, Nancy Pelosi
Many comments from members. This one seemed to represent what all of you sent. If we left out something you wanted aired, please resend your comment and we will add it as an article to this Bettina Network publication. Thanks for all that you do and for sending us information to include in Bettina Network’s…
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