Bettina Homes
Trump and Kelly – Resign!
The Manchurian candidate has become the Manchurian president. Trump has spent his presidency causing chaos, confusion and more. Isn’t that what Russia would have wanted in exchange for helping Trump gain the presidency? Donald Trump, now President Trump has not missed a time of sowing the wind so we could reap the whirlwind. Does he…
Read MorePuerto Rico – CCamp 2017 style
The story of the Trump Administration and Donald Trump continues to unfold and as it does, the fascism and the many ways black, brown, yellow, red, purple people are negatively affected by this administration continues non-stop. Trump has not missed one way of doing everything he could do to diminish, degrade, take away the rights…
Read MoreHealth Care and more!
Thanks for your blog on health care. I noticed something else. And, I might add, I agree with you and have seen many examples of people losing everything trying to maintain good health in their family. I also noticed that homelessness seemed to begin and increase with the correspondent increase in our crop of billionaires. …
Read MoreHealth Care – What’s at stake!
Lessons learned at an estate sale: It is time to take this health care debate beyond the claim that the Republicans are pushing this health care bill because it is actually a tax cut and was promised to their wealthier constituents. Or to Trump’s involvement with the claim that he is interested only because he…
Read MoreWalls – like the one around the Polish Ghetto!
A reader responds: “As I read the blog on “Trump – an aspiring American Oligarch”, my mind went back in history to the time of Hitler when a wall was built around the Jewish Ghetto in Poland. Before that, Jews were welcomed in Poland and things like Jewish cuisine and culture and Polish cuisine and…
Read MoreTrump – an aspiring American Oligarch
WE EITHER LEARN FROM HISTORY OR WE ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT – One example in progress – Ronald Reagan – American President – Republican Went to Germany and gave a speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate, West Berlin, Germany in 1987 in which he said “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” The wall…
Read MoreFrom a Bettina Oracle Reader
Thank you for that analysis on Trump’s Presidency. I have long thought that the American Public is being robbed of great treasures because our tax money has to be spent controlling a greedy, fascist and out of control corporate boardrooms. If there were ethics in our business schools and ethics demanded of our business management…
Read MoreTrump’s Presidency – The Bettina Oracle Rummages
Now that we are over Trump having been elected president of these United States, what’s next? Many people have extolled his election and claim it was an act and the will of God. I too believe it was an act and the will of god – and the small “g” is no typo. And who…
by Marceline Donaldson We are once again in the cross hairs. Donald Trump announced he would give an opinion on DACA on Tuesday (today). And, as of last night what has been given to the media is the announcement that he will end DACA with a six month time frame for folks to get ready…
Read MoreThe Last Word: Stay Woke – A Memorial to Dick Gregory
By: Dr. E. Faye Williams, Esq. August 23, 2017 “It is through our struggles that we gain victories” Stay Woke are words to remember from my best friend–the one and only Dick Gregory. Who in Black America (or America for that matter) hasn’t heard of Dick Gregory? I certainly had known him for years before…
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