Bettina Homes
Another Bettina Lifestyle Community members’ comments!
I just read the article about spending Christmas with a Christian family. It was great! My experience in a Bettina Home/Hedge School was different, but still great! I wanted to spend Christmas with another culture – another group – I wanted to know what it was like spending Christmas in the “ghetto”. Although today I…
Read MoreNew to Bettina Network’s Lifestyle Community!
Hello Everybody, I am brand new to this Community and so far, I love it. So far, I have not taken advantage of much, but I thought I would write a blog, especially since I am just now beginning to understand what Bettina Network Hedge Schools and being a part of the Bettina Network Lifestyle…
Read MoreRummagings About Morality
Isn’t it amazing what it takes for the experiences of your life to come together. What is it you have wanted more than anything else in life? For me – since I was little – it was wisdom and understanding. Funny thing about that – it is exactly what I have received from life. Not…
Read MoreTrump – Peter Thiel – Russia – anymore?
I read all of your articles. My response to your latest and all of the others follows: The largest and I think earliest investor in Facebook was Peter Thiel. – the Facebook which is in the news for being very much involved with the Russian interference in this last presidential election. The same Facebook which…
Read MoreResponse to “Edmund Petus Bridge”
You’ve done it again. I did not make the connection between what is happening today in Alabama with what happened all those years ago in Alabama against African Americans. This is sick! I saw the people at the press conference of evangelicals raving and screaming in favor of Roy Moore. What struck me during that…
Read MoreBack to the Edmund Petus Bridge
by Marceline Donaldson Something is oddly familiar in this “stand-off: now going on amongst our government officials, politicians, hopefuls and a very oppressed group which Alabama and others are trying desperately to contain and keep in their oppressed state. Even the current Governor of Alabama has come public and done a modernized version of Governor…
Read MoreWeight loss – Health – Beauty
by: Marceline Donaldson Those of you who know me know I am almost passionate about organic everything – especially food. It is a rare day to come into my home and find food that is not organic. Yes, it cost more initially – but yes it has benefits which justify the cost and which, in…
Read MoreAnother Response to Trump
Wow! I was glad to see the article by “A Paranoid Reader”. You can call the reader paranoid, but when I heard about the truck killing all of those people in New York, my first thought is that it was Trump behind that tragedy. Call it what you may, but I believe that truck incident…
Read MoreFrom a Paranoid Reader
Thank you for the article on “The Personification of Evil”. It was powerful and awesome – especially because of the references you included both on Melania Trump and Joseph McCarthy. I hadn’t thought about McCarthyism as the genesis of this Trump era, but it makes a lot of sense and clears up much for me.…
Read MoreThe Personification of Evil
BY: Marceline Donaldson I heard a sermon a few weeks ago preached by a person who could be called a politician. He tried to recast these current political events as purely political and not evil. I should have been amazed, but I simply wondered why I had chosen that church on that particular day…
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