A Great Snack – Elvis Style!

I was sitting in my kitchen enjoying a cup of tea and a guest comes along with a snack she brought with her. My tea was accompanied by one of my favorite snacks from my days living in Mississippi.  A sandwich made up of organic or home baked raisin bread with peanut butter – oops!…

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Trump’s American Oligarchs and Giuliani

It has been amazing to see how Trump has gone about destroying America and bringing it down to size so Putin could benefit and control the world.  Who will manage to gain world control first – Putin or Bezos?  Very different play books; lifestyles, goals and objectives. First: Giuliani. Why was he brought in?  What…

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A Current Example of Bullying – Trump and Macron!

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron are back in France and have left the American public with lots to talk about and even more to think through. President Trump has a way of bullying those who arrive as “important guests” both domestic and foreign from the moment he holds out his hand to shake theirs.  The only…

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Rudi Giuliani and Donald Trump

by: Marceline Donaldson It should not have been amazing to hear that Rudi Giuliani has again taken center stage in the Donald Trump story. It should also not be amazing to see that men, who treat women like crap, profoundly disrespect women and see them as objects for their use, to be discarded when a…

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Cooking Rice Elegantly!

What if Colonialism had not happened and we gradually moved to a world community – discovering new ideas, ways of doing things, different foods that we are used to eating and cooking, etc. instead of developing a society which claimed some foods and ways of cooking as superior and some to be shunned.?  What a…

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What is Bettina Network, inc. – i.e. Publications

Bettina Network, inc. has several areas within its corporate structure.  Bettina Network Hedge Schools is one – to refresh your memory or read about the Hedge Schools see https://www.bettina-network.com/blog/archives/3428 Also included in Bettina Network, inc. are its publications: Bettina Network’s Blog and Bettina’s Menu of Events.  Both described below.  If you have questions don’t hesitate to…

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Trump and Putin! A Reader’s Thoughts.

Everyone wants to know what is going on with Trump and Putin! I think its clear. Trump has wanted a replacement for his friend Roy Cohn who died in the 1980’s.  https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/06/donald-trump-roy-cohn-relationship Cohn was someone who was responsible for helping Trump move his business from Queens, New York to Manhattan. With a very forceful father,…

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What Is Bettina Network, inc.?

  1.) Bettina Network Hedge Schools Why travel inns, hotels, bed & breakfast, guest houses, etc. when you can travel using Bettina Network Hedge Schools What are Bettina Network Hedge Schools? How do they work? A Bettina Home/Bettina Network Hedge School, is a place where you can stay while visiting a particular city, country, village,…

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The Smiths – An Estate Sale Family!

Most of us buy from all kind of stores to satisfy our needs and wants – retail, hardware, clothing, accessories, furniture, jewelry, etc.   Ever-so-often we come across a family or individuals or groups of unrelated people who live together, who have decided to try another lifestyle and live one step under the radar. They…

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A Readers Response

Thank you for what you have written in the Manchurian Administration. What amazes me is that Jared Kushner let the cat out of the bag early on that there was and would be “collusion” with Russia and Putin when he wanted to set up a “back door” communications channel for Trump and Putin to communicate.…

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