Bed & Breakfast
Bettina Network Lifestyle Community – Join us!
Many people are saying “These are hard times in these United States”! But are they really? Many minorities would tell you this is nothing except the hard times they have experienced for generations being made public for all to see and to share in the horribleness of what humans are like when we try to…
Read MoreUnfair and Ugly Marketing!
by: Marceline Donaldson We hope you will take notice and respond to a crucial request!!!!!!!! As a business partially owned by minorities and women, Bettina Network, inc. constantly has to protect itself and put up barriers to those who seem to need to undermine and attack us in any way possible. We are asking all…
Read MoreHair Color – Organic/Beautiful/Changeable!
Many breakfast table conversations move into the areas of health and beauty. We have heard just about everything people do to enhance their natural looks and we have tried everything talked about. We don’t put everything out for you to try or know about because we want to make sure someone in the Network has…
Read MoreBettina Oracle Speaks – AGAIN?
We couldn’t pass up the Royal Wedding and all that means without sharing a little bit of what has transpired and its meaning and what is to come.. Lets take a look at the future as we watch the Royal Wedding re-runs. The wedding of Meghan and Harry tells you one very important thing. Pack…
Read MoreRudi Giuliani and Donald Trump
by: Marceline Donaldson It should not have been amazing to hear that Rudi Giuliani has again taken center stage in the Donald Trump story. It should also not be amazing to see that men, who treat women like crap, profoundly disrespect women and see them as objects for their use, to be discarded when a…
Read MoreCooking Rice Elegantly!
What if Colonialism had not happened and we gradually moved to a world community – discovering new ideas, ways of doing things, different foods that we are used to eating and cooking, etc. instead of developing a society which claimed some foods and ways of cooking as superior and some to be shunned.? What a…
Read MoreWhat is Bettina Network, inc. – i.e. Publications
Bettina Network, inc. has several areas within its corporate structure. Bettina Network Hedge Schools is one – to refresh your memory or read about the Hedge Schools see Also included in Bettina Network, inc. are its publications: Bettina Network’s Blog and Bettina’s Menu of Events. Both described below. If you have questions don’t hesitate to…
Read MoreTrump and Putin! A Reader’s Thoughts.
Everyone wants to know what is going on with Trump and Putin! I think its clear. Trump has wanted a replacement for his friend Roy Cohn who died in the 1980’s. Cohn was someone who was responsible for helping Trump move his business from Queens, New York to Manhattan. With a very forceful father,…
Read MoreWhat Is Bettina Network, inc.?
1.) Bettina Network Hedge Schools Why travel inns, hotels, bed & breakfast, guest houses, etc. when you can travel using Bettina Network Hedge Schools What are Bettina Network Hedge Schools? How do they work? A Bettina Home/Bettina Network Hedge School, is a place where you can stay while visiting a particular city, country, village,…
Read MoreSex Trafficking, Airbnb and more!
An article from the Thomas Reuters Foundation As Airbnb established itself Harvard Business School was the first to discover racism within its corporate structure and in the services it offers to others. Other magazines and research groups followed and verified that finding. Second, the destruction and trashing of many homes where the people rented…
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