American Oligarchs
The Big Day – Corruption and Sin – or Walk into the Light!
by: Marceline Donaldson It is amazing to turn on the television and hear what we are doing to ourselves in the name of politics. – Actually, in the name of maintaining the ability to exercise continued power, control, to satisfy our greed and fear. Lives are being upheaval and in actual fact, we are in…
by: Marceline Donaldson My name is on this writing because it is time for all of us to come out of the shadows of shame and into the light with our truth. We have been attacked and are being attacked, apparently to shut us up. Trying to destroy Bettina Network, inc. and me is keeping…
Read MoreImmigration by Merit!
It is amazing to hear Donald Trump calling on the United States to change the immigration requirements. Amazing because if we had immigration by merit the Trump family would not be in the United States. They would have been amongst those rejected for immigration on any level – including asylum. Trump’s grandfather’s specious background was…
Read MoreTrump – raised in a KKK family?
Clearly, Donald Trump is now showing his upbringing and beliefs. Those were sort of hidden for years, but clearly were the underlying ethic upon which Trump built his life and belief system. We elected a man who, when he ran for President of these United States, had two media endorsements – the National Enquirer and…
Read MoreChildren Weaponized while Satan Quotes Scripture!
by Marceline Donaldson It is unbelievable what is happening in these United States. Trump’s bigotry and actions to “Make America White Again” is totally out of control. We have many questions: In the Internment/Concentration/Death Camps for children why are reporters being kept out? What is going on in those camps which has to be kept…
Read MorePorn Star? – Brother Adulterers?
We could not stay silent about Rudi Giuliani’s comments which he made from Israel about the “classy women” Trump married as opposed to the horrible porn star claiming “falsely” according to Giuliani, that she had an affair with Donald Trump. Lets take a look at history. Here is the “Classy Woman” Trump married. His Wife…
Read MoreComments from Several Bettina Members
ed. note: The articles which are published in Bettina Network’s Blog are written by members of Bettina Network Lifestyle Community. They could be the results of their research, recipes, stories, history, telling us what they are doing and need our support, restaurant reviews, interesting places to shop they know about, etc. Sometimes they send a full…
Read MoreThe Royal Wedding
by Marceline Donaldson I know those who know me knew this was coming. And I am sure you knew I would gloat! Finally – a mixed race person at the top where we should be. That said, and you see that I can be as bigoted as anyone else – lets get serious! Watching the…
Read MoreAmerican Business Structure and Function – Great or Morally Corrupt
by Marceline Donaldson If we live by truth and not by image, lies, pretense, manipulation and more, we will tell the truth about our American Corporate/Business Structure and Function. We have Donald J. Trump as president because he is who we elected and who we think we need to bring the world back to where…
Read MoreTrump’s American Oligarchs and Giuliani
It has been amazing to see how Trump has gone about destroying America and bringing it down to size so Putin could benefit and control the world. Who will manage to gain world control first – Putin or Bezos? Very different play books; lifestyles, goals and objectives. First: Giuliani. Why was he brought in? What…
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