In Memory of Francis Albert Dynan

by:  Frances Maloney It is written of Mary of Magdala, that, after the disciples had returned to their homes, Mary lingered like a humming bird before the silent face of the tomb, weeping.  “And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head…

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Omarosa – you go girl!

“Don’t diss me until you have walked in my shoes.” It should be amazing to hear, see and read all of the press coverage about Omarosa and her firing by the White House, but it isn’t. What should be amazing about it? The fact that she lasted as long as she did even though she…

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Congressman John Lewis’ speech at Harvard’s Commencement

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The Royal Wedding

by Marceline Donaldson I know those who know me knew this was coming.  And I am sure you knew I would gloat!  Finally – a mixed race person at the top where we should be.  That said, and you see that I can be as bigoted as anyone else – lets get serious! Watching the…

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Rummagings About Morality

Isn’t it amazing what it takes for the experiences of your life to come together. What is it you have wanted more than anything else in life? For me – since I was little – it was wisdom and understanding. Funny thing about that – it is exactly what I have received from life.  Not…

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Donald Trump = U. S. Terrorist

It is now conclusively proven  – Trump is a terrorist.  This weekend broadcast that for the world to see.  He is the Hitler of this ‘Alt-Right’ movement. We now also know where the Nazi’s went when they were thrown out of Germany.  Their heirs and progeny are carrying on their mission in the United States.…

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And God laughed………..

Well, once again the United States Court system has come through – keeping to its Constitutional mandates. This time, however, there is a side issue and in that issue one can see God’s hand. The decision to block Donald Trump’s bigotry as it constantly spews out of the White House and out of his every…

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Aileen Clark Hernandez – (1926-2017)

by:  Marceline DonaldsonI won’t say rest in peace.  I will say I hope you are living your life after life in a heaven in which everyone is equal – where love abounds – where justice has no meaning because the evils of this life have all fallen away. At the end of life, one begins…

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