By Your Fruits You Shall be Known

The United States has had an amazing ride on this earth for several hundreds of years. Many of those years have been punctuated by horrendous racial violence.

We have created a very wealthy country on the backs of black Africans for a few hundred years. Where blacks began to thrive after the civil war we had massacres like Tulsa, Oklahoma and many other places.

We have a history complete with the slaughter of many of the innocents because genocide denied has been rampant in these United States for generations. We have had genocide in this country almost from its beginnings. Need I mention American Indians, Jews, Chinese, etc. etc.

The anger, hate, resentment and more flowing from the veins of the whites who were out supporting Donald Trump shows how deeply rooted is the assumption that whites are the ones with privilege; the ones who can vote and whose votes are to be counted – how dare we consider and allow blacks to vote; who ‘own’ the top jobs; who can live in declared white only neighborhoods where most of the city services are placed; who are the privileged, the entitled, the ‘better than’ people in this country. AND, it is no accident that Trump has been tied by his naval cord to Russia – a white country, or to Turkey a country which also has some of those color problems. It is no accident that the Chinese were great as long as we could use and abuse them economically by having the goods made for corporations in China at rock bottom prices enslaving the Chinese for generations – along with other countries of color who have also experienced the same economic treatment from the United States.

It is time for a reckoning. A truth telling time. A time to tell and hear the stories of those who have suffered this violence for generations. It is also a ‘make amends’ time. A time for those who have destroyed to make whole those they used so they could be great without doing the work of greatness.

Today, what we saw in Washington, D. C. looked like the kind of “carnage” we saw in places like Chicago decades ago when the Italian Mafia split and there was fighting and destruction in the streets. Washington, D. C. was that kind of “carnage” on steroids.

It was a time which showed us clearly racism, sexism and all the other ‘isms and bigotries are not dead they are alive, well and in your face.

As a result of yesterday it is time for the Department of Justice to revisit its “memo” which does not allow the president of the United States to be arrested and jailed during his time as president. That is a piece of paper written by someone with the president and not the United States’ best interest at heart. That “memo” needs to be destroyed and the president arrested for inciting the riot, the killings, the destruction of property and all the rest. At the same time those also involved like Rudi Giuliani need to also be arrested and jailed for their part of what they have done to these United States.

It is interesting that such a discussion has not and is not taking place. It is out of the picture because we don’t want to solve the problem, we simply want these United States to go back to “normal” with everyone in their proper place doing things in the cultural way we have approved of and enjoyed for generations.

That is possible. It is not, however, what we need to do.

It is clear that what happened in Washington, D. C. was intentional and meant to wreck havoc with the United States. It was meant to create horror and shock. It was meant to scare the Congress into doing what “President” Donald Trump wanted Congress to do, but instead it caused the death of some four people and so much more.

The 25th Amendment is a ridiculous way to treat Donald Trump after what he has done over the past four plus years. Four plus years because his “carnage” started years before the killings and destruction and attempt to tear down the American democracy started. Was being elected president Donald Trump’s reward for making sure the American citizens and the world were always kept aware of the fact that Barack Obama was, in these United States, not as good as whites? By constantly making life ugly for President Obama with Trump’s claims about his citizenship and so much more – Trump has not stopped from those activities. Why should he, because of them he was rewarded with the presidency. The rest of us could continue being and feeling better than because we were able to wash our hands in that bowl of soap and water presented to us so we could pretend to be free of any complicity and/or guilt.

Take a look at history. We can directly trace Donald Trump’s walk through life with several very close friends and mentors who helped to set him on his way. There was his grandfather who taught him about business, mafia style, and the abuse of women for financial and other kinds of gain. Most, if not all, of Donald Trump’s friends – those he is closest to – engage or have engaged in the kind of sexual assault and abuse and rape of which so many have accused Donald Trump.

There was his father who taught him about racism and more lessons on building a business. Both guided him into the mafia as the way to become wealthy at the expense of others.

There followed Roy Cohn who brought Trump and his business from Queens, New York to Manhattan where he met and learned at the foot of McCarthy. So, we have McCarthyism followed by Trumpism and Trump has passed all of his learnings and doings on to his children who are showing they are happy and skilled at following in their father’s footsteps.

What stops that? What has not yet happened. Donald Trump needs to be immediately arrested and jailed for what happened in Washington, D. C. and with other charges added as time passes.

Unless Trump is above all other American citizens then his actions do not allow him to be passed over – he needs to be treated as an equal amongst equals along with his co-conspirators and co-workers.

There is nothing in the United States Constitution which says an American President who has caused the death of others, the kind of horrendous destruction of the American democracy Trump very clearly caused goes free from having done such and cannot be immediately arrested whether he is still president or not.

What an examination of what happened on Wednesday will show is who caused those riots and insurrection to have a clear field in which to function because they made sure there would not be the police to stop it. With all the police forces around the Capital to have allowed the unleashed Trump-ites to roam and rummage and destroy the way they did on Wednesday could only have happened if someone high up slow walked any police involvement. That alone is a reason to arrest Donald Trump. He is the one who set the crowd on its way and was he also complicit in the lack of police preparedness to mitigate and/or eliminate the violence and destruction!

All of the people involved in the group doing the destruction when interviewed talked about Wednesday being only the beginning, there would be daily attacks to reverse what they considered a “stolen election” and those attacks would be severe. Trump followers interviewed in other places far away from Washington, D. C. all said they did not believe Biden “won” the election and when asked what they would do since he really did and there was no alternative – several in all the tv interviews said “civil war” was a good alternative. That was usually passed over by the interviewer. What else could be said or questions asked?

What Wednesday also showed was the fact that bigotry is alive and well and living in the many police forces in Washington, D. C. which are around the Capital for its protection. Not only are police still killing blacks and walking away free, but the way the Black Lives Matter demonstration was treated as compared to the Donald Trump president for life movement was treated on Wednesday is stark in your face racism.

To push the envelope just a bit further, one shot was fired into someone’s body as a killing shot and into whose body? A woman’s! Just like another demonstration where one person was killed by having been run over by a car – whose body was so treated? A Woman’s!

What are we hearing as the aftermath of what happened which is drowning out everything else? Denial of the racism involved and the horror that the American image is being destroyed around the world. What are people thinking of us with all of this now happening in the United States.

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