Buying Breadcrumbs!
copyright 2014 Bettina Network, inc.
You know our food supply is on the down slide when you hear on the food channels and find recipes which tell you to buy Panko Bread Crumbs because others -basically the kind you make from your stale bread – are not good and can’t measure up to the quality of Panko. So throw out that day old bread, don’t buy from the day old bread shelf in the super market, buy Panko and pay the premium price for bread crumbs? We are becoming beyond ridiculous.
Panko’s marketing budget must be huge and we must be going slightly crazy when we have to buy bread crumbs.
If you have a problem and don’t like the bread crumbs made from your bread, that seems to say to us that you need to change the kind of bread you are either making or buying.
Try using organic whole wheat when making bread – or be careful to only buy organic bread made with organic whole wheat flour or spelt or other kinds of flour and you might find your bread crumbs a bit better than even Pankos.
Ridiculous is the name of the marketing game. This – currently – tops our list for arrogance, gall, etc. etc.
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