Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court?
If you ever wondered why there is a #me too movement and if there is a need for a #me too movement – here is your answer.
The United States has a president who is the sexual abuser and sexual assaulter in chief. Why? He has some nineteen plus women accusing him of sexual abuse and sexual assault and in spite of that and in spite of having admitted to and having bragged about such behavior for all to hear he was elected president.
He has now appointed someone who has a sexual assault charge against him and what will be Donald Trump’s response? His history and his mentors say he will go after the woman making the allegation – and so will many Congressmen and women as they think it is to their advantage to do so. I have already puked every time I see Orrin Hatch comment on Clarence Thomas and on the current scenes where he excoriates those who seem to think women are something above being an object who is there as a man’s convenient depository for his sexual needs – whether she consents or not.
The United States Supreme Court is becoming a group of people with growing numbers of sexual assaulters on the bench. If Trump has the ability to appoint more who knows how many we will wind up with. So much for the trustworthiness of their decisions. If you ever wondered why and how the Supreme Court of the United States could have ruled in favor of separate and unequal in the 1880’s and why the rulings against the American Japanese stood until recently – here is the beginnings of your answer.
And – let’s not start or stop with Donald Trump.
There is Clarence Thomas – appointed by a Republican – George Bush Senior.
That was an interesting appointment. The Bush family comes across as trying to be on the right side – for the elimination of racism and sometimes even sexism. However, the appointment of Clarence Thomas belies all of that and in the process ‘outed’ people like Orrin Hatch and even Joe Biden.
To decide to appoint an African American to the United States Supreme Court was a great and glorious thing for George Bush, Sr. to do. To have that appointment go to Clarence Thomas screamed out loud to everyone and showed just how racist a move Bush Sr. was making and the message he was sending with that appointment. And that message was heard loud and clear.
There were and are many African American men and women who could have been appointed. When one appoints one like Clarence Thomas that says to the world you are doing the form thing, but making sure the content is flawed because you really don’t want to bring about change in the society to the point where racism will begin to abate. In fact, the appointment of Clarence Thomas simply increased the racism and sexism in this society and reinforced stereotypes. That was not a ‘dog whisper’ that was a megaphoned message.
And now we have the choice of Brett Kavanaugh who is flawed on so many levels and who is quite clearly someone who can continue the corruption of the United States society and government which we have seen ongoing before Donald Trump, but which has intensified dramatically since Donald Trump was elected.
The Republican Congress has shown just how low they have gone with this appointment by their reaction and their planning and support of those who refused to produce records which normally would have been produced for such an appointment so the man’s history could have been clear. Little bits and pieces have been pried loose to show – if you hadn’t already guessed – that this was a case of hiding the negatives so the appointment would go through. And now come the charges of sexual assault.
And so the story continues. The morality of the United States is once again on display without anything in the middle to hide from the world who we are and what we are about. And where are you John and Jane Q. Public? Going along with the program because your white privilege is being preserved and protected and you John Q. Public going along because your male superiority will not be breeched but will be pushed forward as one of the things these United States supports and makes sure is neither breeched nor lessened?
With this, I can no longer say – God forgive!
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