Breakfast Oatmeal with Bananas Foster Sauce

A great breakfast which is nutritious and also satisfies your taste for sweet, exotic but not white and sugary.

1.    You need to find ORGANIC Steel Cut Whole Grain Oats.  Nothing less!

2.    For 3 to 4 people measure one cup oatmeal into a lovely glass Corning pot or something equivalent.  No metals please.  An attractive pot in which you can serve the oatmeal would be special.

3.    Add two cups water and stir putting the pot over low heat.

4.   Add one scant teaspoon himalayan salt – one heaping teaspoon organic ceylon cinnamon (if this is hard for you to find try Frontier Co-op) – using a rasp, grate about 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg from whole organic nutmegs – two heaping teaspoons organic turmeric – 1/2 to one teaspoon organic ginger using a rasp to grate whole ginger into the oatmeal.  Preferably – you should use amounts to your taste.  The above is what we use.

5.  Cover the pot and let it simmer for about 20  to 30 minutes or until it looks done – stirring from time to time.

6.  Some people use three cups water, but that makes an oatmeal too soggy for our taste.  If you like that consistency then by all means use three cups water.

If you like that “bite” with your oatmeal add several dashes of cayenne pepper.  You can also add cayenne pepper to the Bananas Foster sauce.

For the Bananas Foster sauce to go over the oatmeal:

Melt one stick organic butter – salted or unsalted is your choice as long as the butter is organic.

Add organic turbinado sugar to the melted butter and stir a bit – not too long.  The amount of turbinado sugar is to your taste.  We use a cup full.

Add organic ceylon cinnamon, freshly grated organic ginger, freshly grated organic nutmeg to the pan and stir again

Add either cream or water – also depending upon your taste.  Some people can’t do without cream and some find cream too much for this dish.  Try both and draw your own conclusions.

Stir and let simmer a few minutes until the sauce looks right.

Add organic bananas sliced on the diagonal and simmer again until the bananas are heated through and a little limp.

Pour the bananas foster into a beautiful pressed glass bowl with a silver ladle for serving.

Put individual servings of oatmeal in a soup bowl or two handled broth bowl and cover with the bananas foster sauce.

A little bit of heaven!

If you are not from New Orleans you can substitute cherries, strawberries, blueberries, etc. to this sauce instead of bananas.  It is a lovely change and an exquisite taste no matter which fruit you add.


And remember – this is an unbelievably healthy dish and way to start the day with a minimum of work and a maximum of taste and elegance.


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