Breakfast at Bettina’s – By a Guest!

This is great!  I’ve had this secret wish to be a journalist for a long time.  I do a lot of writing, but all scientific and publishing for scientific journals so you can guess I am an astrophysicist, and those who stay at Bettina’s a lot and recommended this house to me – you know where I am – with my family this time, not on business.  i had to show my wife and children this house.  They love the doll houses and all the toys.  The kids slipped out of the room very early in the morning.  At first I panicked, how do I keep them reined in here – and I almost lost it when I thought of all those antiques in every room of the house,  then I heard ………. offering them a cup of hot chocolate and I knew I could go back to sleep.

Since they were playing right outside the door – one into the doll houses, the other hauling toys up to the landing from the toy room downstairs, I felt ok to sleep without worrying about them.  The place was a grand mess when we finally got up and dressed.  No one seemed to mind so we just left the mess because we knew it would only recur.  We did clean it up before we left for home – for those of you who don’t want me to ruin a good thing for you!

Breakfast was really special.  Having read the Blog, I wondered about those ‘stock tips’.  Maybe I would be at breakfast the morning a great investor dropped a huge tip which would make us a fortune.  Well I was at breakfast with a fairly heated discussion about a couple stocks.  Much heat, not enough light, but I am going home to buy the one which won the battle – Ford Motor Company.  A couple, who are in the stock market on a regular basis, talked about their ‘investments’ and they just bought Ford Motor Company.  My first thought was – WHY?  It just didn’t sound very exciting and given all the trouble with the automobile companies who would jump in and buy one.  By the end of breakfast I was quietly convinced I should put nice money into Ford.  It is selling today at about $11, according to my breakfast mates.  They bought Ford at about $8.  I am going to buy around $11-12.  Hopefully, I will make enough to pay for this trip.

Because it is a holiday – although not my holiday, our hosts put a book at each plate.  That was our Christmas gift.  Its great.  You can’t move in that house for tripping over books so it made sense that a book would be a gift.  Being very comfortable since I’ve been here a zillion times, I had to ask if I could swap the book they gave me for one I was reading in the bedroom and of course I could, so I am going home with three books – one a first edition.  My wife is horrified at my lack of manners, but I go downstairs late at night in my robe and pajamas to get hot milk, why not ask about another book?  Is it possible to feel too much at home?  I actually feel as though I am visiting my parents – I would say grandparents, but they are going to read this blog and I want to be welcomed back.

My wife plays the piano so she enjoyed playing on the grand piano in the house.  I’m not sure the rest of us did.  Later in the day we heard fantastic music coming from the piano.   We were really tired and didn’t go down to see who was playing.  It was so nice just to listen, in bed.  I know enough about music to know it was Chopin, and to know it was good, but I did fall asleep in the middle of the music.

Oh, I almost forgot.  While my wife and I were sleeping the kids made playdoh – well not the real thing, but a pretty good imitation.  It was the highlight of their stay and they are bringing it home with them.  They made it out of flour, water and salt cooked up in a very large pot.  Given our lack of an organic home and our tendency to buy all of their toys, they were really excited about this amazing experience.

Hope you enjoyed my blog.  It was fun writing it.  Is this payment for the books I am bringing home?


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The Labyrinth

February 11, 2008

Bread – Bettina Style

January 20, 2008

Republican Women Unite

January 5, 2008

Bread Pudding in honor of Pauli Murray*

December 28, 2007

Almond and Cancer

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