Boycott Wells Fargo!
Close your savings account! Close your checking account – or move it elsewhere! Any other accounts? Close them all – or work to have them moved to another bank. Choose carefully when moving to another bank. Make sure you are on solid ground, however, and your new bank is interested in you as a customer and is not about to cheat you.
One way you are cheated ‘big time’:
Banks involvement in REAL ESTATE TAXES:
Did you know your home can be foreclosed when you have paid your mortgage up to date – principal and interest? HOW? Real estate taxes. Wells Fargo insists on adding the collection of real estate taxes on your home to your mortgage payment. Even if you did not have that agreement going into the mortgage they can add your taxes to your mortgage payment anytime and without any reason – at least that is their claim.
On information and belief, we find it is possible they will do those things if one of their investors or others wants your house. In that case, it is helpful to slam you around a bit so they can weaken you financially and come after the house. Generally one with lots of equity. Notice how free are homes mired in more bank mortgage than worth of house. Once upon a time all houses were fair game because greed was rampant and banks thought they could turn a profit no matter what. Isn’t that was the last serious depression was all about? Banks running rampant trying to set people up so foreclosure was easy and banks could use that route as one way of making billions?
How ridiculous is it to foreclose on a house when what banks claim as monies that have not been paid and which they claim as overdue, justifying the foreclosure actually are not due? it is monies they can also charge fees upon if not paid in what the bank claims is a timely fashion, even though the overdue amounts generating those bank fees and penalties are actually not due when the banks add those fees and penalties to amounts owed?
Banks are not the aggrieved party in real estate tax charges. They do not decide how much your real state taxes will be (well, maybe not directly). They try to collect six months in advance of the due date so they can hold that money in the bank and have it work for the bank into the billions of dollars and if you do not pay six months in advance of the date the taxes are due the bank reserves the right to collect by foreclosing on your property. You can check that out by going over records of foreclosed properties. It is a shock to see how many people lost their homes to banks because of unpaid real estate taxes which were not due, even at the time of the foreclosure.
Most amazingly, that money – not due for six months, sits in the bank and works for the bank not the agency which would be owed the taxes in six months and which should have the sole authority to foreclose or lien the taxes onto the property.
Isn’t that also the reason why conservative judges are so important? People who would rule against you in Court because you have not paid what you did not owe and especially what was not overdue and unpaid – simply not yet due? Wouldn’t they be the judges most likely to acquiesce and add to monies due the bank from your property because they are fees charged by banks levied against you because you have not paid what is not yet due?
Appointing super conservative judges is crucial to maintaining the most inhumane parts of an inhumane society.
One basic assumption about this economy is that we are functioning under capitalism. However, that is definitely not true. One cannot have a capitalistic economy where the society actively practices sexism. racism or any other kind of bigotry. That by itself eliminates the possibility that an economic system structured to claim to call itself Capitalism is flying under a false flag and needs to redefine what it actually is? Some bizarre system can be established to try to tweak, change, camouflage what it really is while proclaiming it is a capitalistic system, but actually it is not – by definition.
Ed. Note: Just a few comments from Bettina Network Lifestyle Members which we found intriguing. Feel free to add to their analysis.
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Project 1 – Estate Sales after the Sale
Project 2 – #WellsFargoBoycott
Want to join us? Have a home that you want to open to become one of Bettina Network’s Hedge Schools? Call us and lets talk – or email us.
Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.
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