BN Members Respond
Thank you for the article on Nancy Pelosi. I agree 100%. It is time people started speaking out and telling the truth instead of the heroine worship which started to perform around her.
I have searched for reasons as to why she has taken such a hardline on this no impeachment of Trump stance. It made no sense, especially when she has more than enough to impeach and substantial stuff. Whenever I hear her talk about it all I can see and hear is B___ S____. I was also amazed to hear Trump lambast the four women. Nothing about that little interlude made sense until I read your article on your “Conspiracy Theory”. I think it is more than a Conspiracy Theory because Trump has been very careful with Pelosi and always had her back. Not good for the Democratic Party until you take a look to see if this is a small group of those who were in control for decades, have very old thoughts about how to do things – much outdated – and intend to keep power in cahoots with the likes of Trump.
The fact that they have a moral imperative to impeach the man for reasons that are criminal actions, treason and more. I know treason isn’t the correct term, but it gets the concept I am reaching for across.
Keep up the good work. You do seem to be quietly and invisibly within the circles. I will continue to send the information I gain to you. Use it as you see fit.
I read your articles on Nancy Pelosi “A Conspiracy Theory” and I think you are onto something and not a conspiracy.
As I watched the Congressional Hearing with Mueller III, it was quite something. I was so sad to see my friend showing his age – although with what he has accomplished in his life, “well done, my good and faithful servant”.
Those hearings, hauling out Mueller when he was clear he did not want to testify and said the Mueller Report was his testimony, seemed to be geared to an audience of one. That one being Nancy Pelosi. Are her friends and co-workers to the point of having to use such tactics to get her to see the wrong she is doing? At best she is making a political decision and where she needs to be making a moral, ethical decision in line with the Constitution. Why have impeachment as a tool to maintain and continue this Republic if you are going to use instead a political decision making process which is clearly leading to the possible radical change of this Republic into a Fascist Government. It seems Ms. Pelosi’s decision was one to maintain her power instead of maintaining this United States Government in the way it should go and using the tools those who put them in place for just such a moment-in-time set up to maintain democracy.
I wish others had the guts you folks at Bettina’s seem to have. I now know where to go with all the bits and pieces of information I have and want to see shared. I had a friend who sent me your “blog” and suggested I call you with what I have to share, but I ridiculed her. I take back the ridicule.
Thank goodness for “The Squad”. I don’t agree with all of their politics, but I certainly appreciate their clarity and the way they are willing to walk out in their truth. It is like a breath of fresh air blowing through some really stale smoke filled rooms full of the traditional politicians who we could do without. Maybe they could be re-trained to do something useful – like street cleaning. Also, maybe, it is time for Nancy Pelosi to resign. If you can’t handle the heat you need to get out of the kitchen. Risk is what life is about – she seems to have left that part of life and is looking for something that does not exist – surety. Perhaps Trump’s theme, which he stole from Reagan is one that fits her present space – ‘Make America Great Again”. Some people age wonderfully well, some just don’t move beyond what they feel was their high point in life and would keep the rest of the world in that space so they can maintain those feelings. Or, at the very least – she is taking the road which she sees as having the smallest risk, (from her perspective), and the greatest power reward. I was a supporter of Ms. Pelosi. No more.
Ed Note: There were many more comments, but the above encapsulates all of the expressions we received. The most common – much to our amazement – was the one which said the Mueller Hearings seemed to be broadcast for “an audience of one – Nancy Pelosi.”
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