BN Lifestyle Member Responds

by:  Lani Stacks
It is unfortunate that many, and of course, Trump’s followers and fans, think he is the greatest man of all history.  I saw right through it as you did.  Even the young North Korean dictator was mesmerized by this self-impressed American thug.  Kim Jong Un appeared/behaved very child-like as grade or middle school children do actually meeting a film star celebrity in-person.   And of course, Trump took advantage of his own size and height being larger, with the North Korean being shorter.  That, you know is one of the first bully tactics.  No wonder Un’s comment about this meeting being like a science fiction movie.  Trump maneuvered Un’s childish mind to affect “awe” as the outcome to Un’s mind and being impressed to actually meeting Donald Trump in person. Yes, Trump set his stage for further control of the audience of puppets.  
While being on this email reply, I want to add how disgusting Trump was to disrespect the Canadians and their prime minister.  Having lived at the Canadian border and dear Canadian friends over the decades, what came out of Trumps mouth was as horrible had I, after the grand friendship/sisterhood we two have had since the 1970s, for me to denounce you and even go to the extent of spitting on your face.  That was disgraceful beyond belief of Trump’s behavior toward Trudeau.  This shows Trump for what he actually is: Slim of the Earth.  It is embarrassing to  have him as the U.S. president representing hundreds of millions of individuals of many cultures.
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