Our Blog is a conglomeration of conversations which took place around the breakfast table in one or another Bettina Network home. We cover a wide range of topics.

As members of the Bettina Network Community send us information they would like disseminated to a large audience, or something happens which just strikes our fancy and we want to share it with all of you - it will go immediately to Bettina Network's Blog.

Great Travel Tip and I Add….

By anitteb | September 23, 2009

Since reading your travel tip I talked to my boss.  I am leaving tomorrow for California so your suggestion is very timely. I asked about the possibility of my company paying for the overnight postage to mail my bags instead of carrying them onto the airplane and it is a go.  Which is GGGGREAT!!!!!!  I…

A Travel Tip

By anitteb | September 22, 2009

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009 I travel quite a bit and with the new airline rules I have found that packing most of my belongings the day before and mailing them via overnight mail to where I am going tends to relieve my worry about the airlines losing my luggage; I don’t have to…

Bank of America wins Bettina’s Hall of Shame Award

By anitteb | September 8, 2009

Copyright The Bettina Network, Inc. 2009 We are beginning to receive notes from former guests on suggestions for companies which should be in “Bettina’s Box of Shame” and Bettina’s Hall of Shame.” The company about which we have received the most complaints and suggestions as to why they should receive the award is BANK OF…

Editor’s Note on contributors to Bettina’s Blog

By anitteb | September 4, 2009

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009 We love to receive blogs from those who have stayed in a Bettina home. While we enjoy reading all of the blogs we receive, we only post blogs from people who have stayed in one of the homes in the Bettina Network. The purpose of Bettina’s Blog is to…

Stock Information

By anitteb | September 4, 2009

It is great reading your blog! Keep up the good work. I especially like the variety of information. My contribution will be two stocks I bought today. One is Avanti Mining (AVNMF) and the other is Sunridge Gold (SGCNF). Hopefully, these two will do as well for your readers as the stocks you mentioned in…

Guest Requested Cheese Cake Recipe

By anitteb | August 25, 2009

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009 This recipe was requested about July 1st or 2nd. Sorry it took so long, but it was like pulling teeth to get this recipe. Not all of us want to share our most coveted secrets and apparently this recipe is very close to one of our host families. While…


By anitteb | August 21, 2009

Copyright The Bettina Network, Inc. 2009 We have had a few disagreements with Whole Foods. You can read about them in this blog. We are, however, appalled at what is happening around Mackey, Whole Foods executive. It is especially appalling because we live in a democracy and one of its founding freedoms is FREEDOM OF…

A Stock Market Follow-Up

By anitteb | August 21, 2009

Copyright the Bettina Network, inc. 2009 From the blog “Stock Market Action at Breakfast”. The guest wrote about buying two stocks from a discussion around the breakfast table at a Bettina Network home. The blog is dated June 15, 2009. The stocks they talked about were IVAN and IVN. IVAN – an oil stock and…

Update on Guests Stock Tip

By anitteb | August 21, 2009

Copyright by the Bettina Network, inc. 2009 We received a correspondence from a former guest on 7/4/2009 saying they bought SIRI – Sirius Radio at $ .425/share. The Blog is entitled “A Guests’ Email re Stock Tips” We will not let these stock tips go un-followed, so today we looked up SIRI and discovered it…

Tekka Popcorn

By anitteb | August 20, 2009

copyright The Bettina Network, inc. 2009 A really great snack – healthy and it tastes great. To pop the ORGANIC corn, use an air popper so you don’t have to use oil. Save on oil in the popping so you won’t feel guilty about adding butter at the end. Pop the corn. While the corn…