Our Blog is a conglomeration of conversations which took place around the breakfast table in one or another Bettina Network home. We cover a wide range of topics.
As members of the Bettina Network Community send us information they would like disseminated to a large audience, or something happens which just strikes our fancy and we want to share it with all of you - it will go immediately to Bettina Network's Blog.
Disinformation – What is it? What role does it play? Why use it?
Disinformation is the creator of institutional racism, institutional sexism, institutionalized bigotry of all kinds. It is the main tool humans use to create their societies, their governments, their families, their lives. Shakespeare used disinformation to promote anti-semitism and it was such a powerful use of disinformation we accept it as normal, right, gospel even unto…
Donald Trump has been responsible for a lot of evil and ugly which has crept and is still creeping into this world. Fueled by dreams of a Trump-Moscow hotel complex, Trump had his minions and himself traveling to Russia begging with their hat in their hands because Putin was holding out a ‘bait and switch’…
Pecans – Brings back memories of home!
Based on a recipe given to us by Ms. Jeannette McInis! May she live long and prosper. This is a great dish – especially for keeping to eat when company comes or when that sugar need strikes and you don’t want those sweets with harmful stuff. Many stores sell raw pecans in two cup packages.…
Bettina Network Foundation, inc. announces the addition of a project which is sorely needed in this world!
Much has been made of the push to pass the Voting Rights Bill. We think a larger push needs to be made over real estate and over how…
TRUMP – McCarthyism – KENNEDY (And let us not forget Putin)
Finally, things are coming to a place where the spotlight is shining and uncovering many corners previously hidden because they were covered with cobwebs and dust. These United States have been recently flirting with turning against its minority citizens a la the Holocaust for some time. One thing is clear – you can tell what…
Beauty is in the upkeep!
In this society, beauty is in what you spend and use to keep yourself looking “acceptable.” Lots of money spent and you can theoretically look “gorgeous,” especially if you spend some of that money with plastic surgeons, beauty spas, etc. We are here to tell you that is not necessary to produce a “natural beauty”…
A History of Segregated Housing – sort of!
by: Marceline Donaldson and Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett Segregated housing exists in these United States because the laws of the U. S. were very strong in insisting that blacks not be allowed to live in “white” neighborhoods. These are and were laws that were strongly and effectively enforced even into the 1960’s, 1970’s and…
When Big Brother Is Your Boss – The Workers Perspective – an IBM Memory
by Ann Haeyoung https://news.techworkerscoalition.org/2021/07/06/issue-15/?fbclid=IwAR0n4e6MlTSzUbYaqebwK3nhEZyMRN3k1D9ITbzKRvUQP1PpapOeoXZwlOo A newsletter which comes out regularly about many things – mostly Union issues. This one – recently circulated – reports on Marceline Donaldson’s activities trying to unionize IBM in the 1970’s. There are other issues just as interesting and we recommend this newsletter to you – put out by the Tech…
For Equality to Surge Worldwide – Royalty Worldwide must step-down!
The United States is being strangled by its inability to move away from the need to be “better than”. It shows up in every thing we do. It shows up in our identity. It shows up in even the little things. There is that very ugly push to which we respond with a verbal denial…
Jessye Norman – A Christmas Story!
https://www.theguardian.com/music/2021/sep/30/jessye-normans-family-sue-over-treatment-that-allegedly-left-her-paralysed What happens to African American women? You say it is “accidental” – we say it is institutional racism, so embedded in this society we accept and don’t even know what has happened to most of our best and greatest talents. We just go on with our lives as though this had nothing to do…