Our Blog is a conglomeration of conversations which took place around the breakfast table in one or another Bettina Network home. We cover a wide range of topics.

As members of the Bettina Network Community send us information they would like disseminated to a large audience, or something happens which just strikes our fancy and we want to share it with all of you - it will go immediately to Bettina Network's Blog.

How Do the Masters of Extreme Prejudice Raise the Stakes? Bigotry Rules, Joe Biden –

By jnll.gtrrz | May 4, 2023

We are at the start of the 2024 race for president of the United States. As we enter this phase we see where the emphasis of the bigots will be placed. Usually it is on the most financially, economically, etc. viable areas to destroy them for others and shepherd them into our own small part…

How Do the Masters of Extreme Prejudice Raise the Stakes? Bigotry Rules, Joe Biden –

By anitteb | May 4, 2023

We are at the start of the 2024 race for president of the United States. As we enter this phase we see where the emphasis of the bigots will be placed. Usually it is on the most financially, economically, etc. viable areas to destroy them for others and shepherd them into our own small part…

The Arrogance 0f Bigotry

By anitteb | April 28, 2023

Where do you live? Who lives around you? What are the racial/minority/woman ethics in your neighborhood? Is bigotry against those considered “less than” in this society tolerated in your neighborhood? Do you put your head in the sand and do nothing about it? Do you know what it means on a daily basis to live…

The Arrogance of Bigotry

By jnll.gtrrz | April 28, 2023

Where do you live? Who lives around you? What are the racial/minority/woman ethics in your neighborhood? Is bigotry against those considered “less than” in this society tolerated in your neighborhood? Do you put your head in the sand and do nothing about it? Do you know what it means on a daily basis to live…

How is Racism/Sexism Institutionalized over society?

By anitteb | April 16, 2023

by: Marceline Donaldson In the life of one African American family —— To say my upbringing was unusual is an understatement. To look at the men and women who had substantial influence over my life and were my family is to look at people who were black, white, rich, poor, powerful, ordinary, hard working, worked…

How is Racism/Sexism Institutionalized over society?

By jnll.gtrrz | April 16, 2023

by: Marceline Donaldson In the life of one African American family ——  To say my upbringing was unusual is an understatement. To look at the men and women who had substantial influence over my life and were my family is to look at people who were black, white, rich, poor, powerful, ordinary, hard working, worked…

Police “SWAT” Five Black Students out of Harvard University’s Leverett House for no reason!

By anitteb | April 10, 2023

This appeared in the April 8, 2023 edition of the Harvard Crimson: Leverett ‘Swatting’ Attack: At least five armed Harvard University Police Department officers stormed a Leverett House suite early Monday morning. The raid was prompted by a false 911 call from someone claiming to be a “kicked out” student who had taken a woman hostage in the suite. The students in the suite,…

Police “SWAT” Five Black Students out of Harvard University’s Leverett House for no reason!

By jnll.gtrrz | April 10, 2023

This appeared in the April 8, 2023 edition of the Harvard Crimson: Leverett ‘Swatting’ Attack: At least five armed Harvard University Police Department officers stormed a Leverett House suite early Monday morning. The raid was prompted by a false 911 call from someone claiming to be a “kicked out” student who had taken a woman hostage in the suite. The students in the suite,…

Chicken Liver Påté or Chopped Chicken Liver

By anitteb | April 1, 2023

What a choice! I spent a couple years trying to recreate an appetizer I loved, but could not find the recipe. After much search, discussion, questions, amazingly, I discovered the recipe depends upon whether you are Jew or Christian. In most cookbooks I found recipes for “Chicken Liver Pate. ” If you are not Jewish…

Chicken Liver Påté or Chopped Chicken Liver

By jnll.gtrrz | April 1, 2023

What a choice! I spent a couple years trying to recreate an appetizer I loved, but could not find the recipe. After much search, discussion, questions, amazingly, I discovered the recipe depends upon whether you are Jew or Christian.In most cookbooks I found recipes for “Chicken Liver Pate. ” If you are not Jewish that…