Our Blog is a conglomeration of conversations which took place around the breakfast table in one or another Bettina Network home. We cover a wide range of topics.

As members of the Bettina Network Community send us information they would like disseminated to a large audience, or something happens which just strikes our fancy and we want to share it with all of you - it will go immediately to Bettina Network's Blog.


By anitteb | November 12, 2020

We need to make this an article, but what else is there to say! We remember when there were articles about Senators taking money from the NRA for their political campaigns. Could that be why they are now so quiet about this Trump ‘Coup d’Etat’ thing? And why they are so quiet about so many…

How we cook rice!

By anitteb | November 10, 2020

Potatoes seem to be the accompaniment to all dishes. Very seldom do we find rice at a friends’ homes; restaurants; other places to eat. We found what we believe to be an extraordinary way to cook rice – some say it prevents cancer. We don’t know that, but we will put it out there for…

Girl, that could be you!

By anitteb | November 9, 2020

Marceline, don’t just read this and cast it aside, I am writing it and sending it to you for Bettina Network’s Blog. Someone should write your biography. As I saw Kamala Harris I thought about you and had to sit down with my pen before I got involved in something else and this moment would…

We are happy to announce and introduce the Newly Elected President of the United States – Joseph Robinette Biden

By anitteb | November 7, 2020

It is with great jubilation that the Bettina Network Blog, inc announces the results of the 2020 Presidential Election. Joseph Robinette Biden has won the election and will become president on January 20, 2020. Senator Kamala Harris will become vice-president in an election which will be studied, analyzed, dissected and more for generations. President Trump…

Interesting and very nutritious Recipes to rev up your immune system!

By anitteb | October 19, 2020

Try this hamburger with kale chips – you won’t believe how good it is. First, the kale chips. Take the “spine” out of the Kale. Just rip the leaves away from the middle tough spine and put the leaves on a baking sheet. Pour a very little melted butter or peanut oil or olive oil…

Waldorf Astoria/Park Plaza/Donald Trump – share what?

By anitteb | October 17, 2020

There is currently going on in Taunton, Massachusetts at 2 Galleria Drive an auction, which is one of the largest held in recent memory and the items include all of those which were inside the Waldorf Astoria before its current rehab started. The sale is being held by Kaminski Auctioneers of Beverly, Massachusetts. https://auctions.kaminskiauctions.com/viewuserdefinedpage.aspx?pn=waldorf-astoria-auction This…

A Publicly Acknowledged Bigotry acceptable for Supreme Court Justices.

By anitteb | October 16, 2020

by: Marceline Donaldson It is not only acceptable but a required part of your resume´ to be seriously considered for a substantial position within this Trump administration. We have watched such happen for four years and each time a new set of nominations comes along we know the people so nominated have made Trump comfortable…

Donald Trump and Jim Jones – HERD IMMUNITY and KOOL AID

By anitteb | October 14, 2020

Kool Aid and COVID-19.  What do they have in common.   The people in Guyana who were followers of Jim Jones had a better chance of living after Jim Jones had his trusted Lieutenants begin to serve them a poisoned concoction because he saw that his rule as head of the group was coming to an…

Supreme Court Nominee – Amy Barrett. Really!!!

By anitteb | September 29, 2020

Amy Barrett is a woman being appointed to the Supreme Court who does not believe in the equality of women.  Equality does not happen when one lives in a community and one’s first loyalty is to the content and structure of that organization giving deference and obeisance to men. In this case living under the…

The new Supreme Court nominee, Dark Money and the “Christlike figure of Bill Barr”!

By anitteb | September 27, 2020

In fact, it seems to us that all the Supreme Court appointments and nominations by Donald J. Trump were made because dark money opened its pocket books and dealt to Trump and his followers that which he is known not to resist – money! Note that they dealt him money, not power – that is…