Black in Cambridge/Boston
a series following what is happening to Rev. Dr. Robert A. Bennett and Marceline Donaldson in the Harvard Square area. Please send this to everyone you know – . They need a lot of help – it is a system stacked against them – Being African American, in business, in the Greater Boston area is unbelievably and they are not the only people to whom this has happened.
by: Marceline Donaldson
My anger is over the top. I am going to pullout every stop to get Robert out of the hospital under a very bogus protective order which was heard without giving notice to both sides.
I will post every thing that happens and I hope you will send these posts to everyone you know.
The latest? I went to Mass General Hospital to see Robert yesterday with my lawyer. We had to wait for Security Guards to come to make sure we didn’t tear the hospital down or whatever was their problem. Two guards appeared to guard the hallways in front of us – two other guards appeared and asked us to step out while they consulted with whoever. We were ushered into a conference room and told we could not see Robert because they were short handed yesterday and did not have the requisite personnel – a policeman and a security guard – to be present during our visit. Who is the “our”? My attorney and myself. My attorney is a well known well respected Cantabridgian and what could an 82 year old woman do to the hospital?
Then we discovered when we received the file from the Court that an attorney had been appointed to represent Robert. Why had the attorney been appointed? Because Robert was declared INDIGENT.
Interestingly, we have the affidavit filed by Somerville Cambridge Elder Services and they talk about two young women who visited our house. After having been in the house to take out a filing calling us INDIGENT is about as racist as life was in the 1930’s for Blacks.
You want to see where these INDIGENT people live? Put in 49 Hawthorn Street Cambridge and there should be pictures of the house valued at about $5 million dollars.
In an earlier filing, the house was considered “unsafe”.
And by the way – it is clear that this is the real issue because the end of those affidavits talk about taking supervision over Robert and his wife – two elderly people who need such supervision.
I think you now can see better what this is about.