Bigotry American Style

So much is happening with the United States trying to maintain its bigotry and at the same time push forward its claims that it is working hard to acknowledge the past and move into an area of equality, diversity, etc. etc.

The most aggregious has been the Congressional hearing just ended with the three women presidents being excoriated with the attempt to fire all of them without it looking as though extreme sexism is what was at work here. It was clear as reporting began how threatened white and other men are at the aspect of these particular three colleges being led by women. It was an incredible example of Institutional Racism/Sexism/etc. etc. etc. and how hard and fast these strongly entrenched policies and ways of being are in these United States.

First – the people invited were all women – heads of major Universities. A PANEL LIMITED TO only women . The set up was clear that the goal was the firing of all three or as many as possible so the next attempt would be easier and then the rest would go without those responsible for maintaining the Institutional Bigotrty in this society being blamed. As much as possible in the removal of bigotry is “blame the victims”.

Second – the person chosen to do the whack job was also a woman. One whose history parallels the history of the black men who were attached to the KuKluxKlan decades ago. The KKK always had a black man within its group so they could point to say – “see, we are not racists, here is our n—–“. There was Ms. Stefanik playing that role for white men and she did an incredible job. Seeing her face and eyes as she asked some of the worst questions was quite an experience. It was evil personified.

Third – the women on the panel were coached by a law firm. Which firm? Who were the people doing the coaching? And most amazing of all – these highly intellectual woman who crossed many barriers, taking a lot of grief on their way to the top – accepted without question what they had been told as good answers to possible questions by this very questionable law firm – firmly entrenched in the Institutional Bigotry of the country. When asked tricky questions, they simply gave out what they had been coached to say by people you don’t have to meet or know who they are to see their bigotry coming through fiercely. It was quite remarkable how they took care of business.

On the other side, looking at and hearing the women on the panel, one has to ask what happens to us as we move up? Is the lure and liking of power become so strong that we ignore and go along with the program put in front of us? The “white paper” we need to follow to remain in power and possibly move up even higher? We become, intellectually and otherwise, replicas of the white and other kinds of men trying so desperately to maintain their status as “better than.”

It would be easy to fight this Institutionalized Bigotry if it came only from white northern European men keeping their sense of “better than” by institutionalizing the bigotry necessary to make that possible, but we have all of these non-whites – men and others – going along with the program because they have not done the work of learning what and how they are discriminated against and how can they function to destroy as much of that bigotry as possible. Those who need to be like the “better than” with the thought that this is what will move them out of the “less than” category if not completely, then at least for a little bit of the time.

The panel seemed programmed and thoughtfully planned to get rid of the women heads of major colleges and especially aimed at Claudine Gay – the African American woman just appointed as president of Harvard University. Clearly, she is a target and that will be only the first of many attacks to come attempting to remove her, but without having the effort fall on the University or its supporters or anyone else in the all white northern European male community which runs the world in the most bigoted way. It has been the destruction of this globe – having created climate and all the other problems, but no one seems to have the guts to go there. Dancing all around that fact, but no direct hits.

And then we move on to the bigotry against the elderly. So accepted you can’t turn to any television, radio or internet channel without hearing about President Joe Biden being “too old” to run for office. Ageism put in your face. Institutionalized Ageism promoted daily all during the day with no one calling out those making the bigoted attempt to remove an Irish American who is a bit too into equality, diversity, etc. When you hear the comments spewing out with alacrity – substitute “ageism” with “racism” and see how that settles your stomach.

I did not realize the incredible affect Ageism has on this society. I was too young and the problems of being black and female wiped out any other consideration – being human and limited in how much I could take both emotionally and otherwise. Ageism will probably replace racism as its most bigoted area. The old folks, especially those into “equality, etc” are being removed from being actively a part of society by putting them into “assisted living” and other such places. If they won’t go and are a bit too active and especially if they are non-White, in Cambridge, the police arrive to force them out of their homes into the hospital until they can be incapacitated and then placed in the homes where such people live out their lives. Problem solved. We experienced that and saw the rewards to the people who did the deed. In our case – $195,000.00 plus to the hospital that allowed itself to be so used. Not bad, huh? Especially when the money came illegitimately from your insurance and never should have been ripped off.

That knowledge of how the elderly are being increasingly mistreated by the bigots in the society and how Institutional Bigotry works on the elderly to the point where we have Institutional Ageism raging and being reported on by the media without any acknowledgment of the reality of what it is – its negative affect on the society and the lives of those who are elderly. The negative stereotype of the elderly is overwhelming without any clue that this is extreme bigotry we are promoting. There are those who are elderly, sick, unable to function, whose mind is going or gone. There are also those who are young and in the same position.

We are now into anti-Semitism, which is being used to cover up what is happening in the other areas of bigotry and not at all benefitting Jews by making them more equal. It used to be that Jews were pictured as running the world and taking from it much more than they should. And when you objected and pointed out the bigotry against Jews their “Jewish spokespeople” would be all over the place making sure anti-Semitism stays, but within the bounds of respectability making it harder for those experiencing it to fight the bigotry. Those “spokespeople” tended to be Jews who wanted quiet because their positions in society depended upon their keeping other Jews under control.

I could go on with this as one example after another appears – both currently and historically, however, I think the point is clear and hopefully you will take it up to bring about true equality in these United States. We need that desperately and soonest so we can stop killing each other as that white northern European mostly male group continues in control of the major assets in this society and continues to attempt to destroy all of us as they over reach to see who will become god. Looking at history – some ancient some almost modern – You can see we are trying to return to that structure of Emperors, Kings, Pharoahs and other such “leaders” . So far, we are in a state of only a small handful having reached the billionaire and now brushing up against the trillionaire status jockeying for who will lead the world and garner most of its assets for its small group of followers needed to maintain their control and obscene wealth. Shortly, that will change with many groveling to follow those who seem clearly destined to achieve that kind of ancient power calling it by other names and setting in place what seems to be another different structure, when in fact, the structures trying to come into being are all the same just named in more modern ways.

if we don’t do something to change ourselves realizing we are human – fallible – sometimes good – sometimes absolutely crazy. Please, God, open our eyes, our hearts, our minds to use the good side of our humanity to create a world worthy of you.

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