Bettina’s Premier Beauty Secret

copyright 1984-2008 by Marceline Donaldson

A caveat with these beauty secrets – they are a bit magical because they only work for those who use the Bettina Network!  Others can try them, but their efficacy will be greatly diminished.
To have flawless skin without makeup or foundation try the following:
   a.  Throw out your soap.  A beautiful person NEVER uses soap.
   b.  Wash your face, without a towel or wash rag, by splashing it with warm water using your hands as a cup for at least 10 splashes.
   c.  Pour a bit of dry milk into the palms of your hands and use this to clean your face.  Rub it all over the face until the milk granules become liquid milk.
   d.  If you have time, lie down with your feet up (without rinsing off the milk).  The milk will dry and tighten your skin – a nice treatment for those pores.  And yes this can be done by male or female – it works equally well for both.  Guys, if you don’t tell anyone why your face starts to look dramatically younger and healthier, we won’t either.
   e.  After about 10-15 minutes, rinse your face by splashing water on it from your cupped hands, until all the milk is gone.
    f.  Clip open a vitamin A capsule (fish oil, not beta carotene – unless you want a very red face), squeeze the oil into the palm of your hand and gently rub this oil into the skin on your face.  If you are super careful, you can also gently pat it around your eyes.  We find this to be a great eye oil.
   g.  Clip a Vitamin E capsule, squeeze the oil from this capsule into the palm of your hand and gently rub this oil into the skin of your face.  You can also gently pat this around your eyes.  You will find the Vitamin A oil to be thin and easy to rub into your skin.  The Vitamin E oil feels and acts more like glue.  It is a preservative of the A and you get more out of everything by ending with the Vitamin E.
   h.  After half an hour or so – or anytime after that – rinse your face with cool water.  Do this by splashing the cool water onto your face using your hands cupped together and keep splashing – for at least 10 times.
   i.  Using a soft towel, pat your face dry.
Enjoy the day with beautiful skin.  – OR – you could go through this regimen at night before going to bed.  The next morning you need only rinse your face – 10 times – with cupped hands and very cool water before running out to work, shop, breakfast or a meeting!
You will see amazing results after about two weeks.  Each day, your face will glow a little longer until the result is constant and you have all the time beautiful skin.  And then throw out all those cosmetics you paid so much money for which probably really don’t work.
FINISHING TOUCH:  This regimen will give your skin a glowing sheen.  If you want a mat finish (no sheen), use a cotton ball or tissue on which you put dry milk – no powder please, you will ruin all your hard work.  Pat and very lightly rub this dry milk all over your face and brush off the excess.  In a minute or so the oil on your skin will take away the powdery look and you will have a mat finish all day.  To refresh your look, splash cold water on your face for, yes, 10 times.

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Ed. Note: Members of the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community can contribute to the Bettina Network Blog whenever they have anything they want to say and be heard by this fantastic group of people. Send your blog to or mail it to us at P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238 or call us on the telephone at 617-497-9166 to tell us what you want to say and we will write it for you.

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