Bettina’s is ready for the 21st Century pulling from all the centuries that went before!

Bettina Network Lifestyle Community
Bettina Network, inc. wants you to know about the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community.
We have had many valued guests staying in our bed & breakfasts over the past 35 years we have been in business. COVID 19 turned our business upside down and we had to think long and hard about where do we go from here.
Along the way we added Bettina Network Foundation, inc., Bettina Network Blog, Bettina Network Journal, and a couple more. Through those experiences we discovered there can be no separation between our commercial selves and our responsibility to work towards a much more giving, loving, gracious society.
We decided to work through Bettina Network Lifestyle Community, which is a group of people who are always open to and looking for human experiences with the goal of adding diversity, wisdom, learning while going about their ordinary daily lives and businesses.
As a Community, we have homes open to members who can make reservations as they travel. However, we only take reservations from those who are members of Bettina Network Lifestyle Community. The world is not in shape where any and everyone can make reservations through an open system without taking huge risks. A computerized reservation service open to everyone to stay in homes that have not been thoroughly checked and where you arrive to find a key under the mat (or its current equivalent) is no longer viable and that will become increasingly apparent as society moves into this new era.
We also only take homes into this Networking Community where people are living in the home and have a talent, interest, doing research, art, music, public affairs , scientists and more who are people who would add to your enjoyment and knowledge base and find that a very exciting thing to do..
If you are not already a member of Bettina Network Lifestyle Community, we invite you to call us and become one of those who cares about where you stay when traveling and who enjoys finding those little nuggets of wisdom from others who have found answers to what you might still be searching and so much more.
We are always searching for knowledge, wisdom and a greater understanding of the world. We have combined it all in the Bettina Network Lifestyle Community.
To request membership in Bettina Network Lifestyle Community, please fill out the form below:
I Wish to be considered for membership in:
Bettina Network Lifestyle Community
Name __________________________________ ______________________________
first name last name
Mailing Address
Email Address ________________________________________
The cost of membership: $50.00
I prefer to pay for consideration by:
Credit Card____ Cash___Check ___ Corporate Account_____
Name of Corporation_______________________________________
Person Responsible _______________________________________
For Credit Card Payment:
I hereby authorize
Bettina Network, inc.
to charge my account in the amount of $50.00 as follows:
Type of Card_____________ Account Number _____________________________
Expiration Date _____________________ CVV2#____________________________
Authorized Signature ______________________________________
Bettina Network, inc. P. O. Box 380585 Cambridge, MA. 02238
617-497-9166 inside and outside the U. S.
toll free inside the U. S. and Canada 1-800-347-9166
This also includes Bettina Network Hedge Schools from which we took a very old, Irish concept, dusted it off and updated it in such a way that we are deep into lifelong learning.
Hedge School Families share their histories, experiences, learning and wisdom when you choose to stay with them when you travel. Hedge School Facilitators travel Bettina Network and turn up in the most unexpected places. They bring an added layer of learning as the Hedge School Families specialize in many different areas of learning and doing.
Instead of depending upon serendipity, some guests ask to stay in a home with a particular emphasis – with a concert pianist; sculptor; academics in different fields —which means, for example, you can improve your knitting by staying with a family of expert knitters; a chef with whom you can cook; a priest and more.
Some facts on Bettina procedures
Someone from Bettina Network, inc.spends the night in every home before it is taken into Bettina’s and offered to you.
We get to know the family with whom you will be staying and we keep up with our homes on a daily basis. We send out a “Guest Questionnaire” to everyone who stays in a Bettina Home and the return rate of these requests for feedback is 90%. That tells us – usually in great detail – the experience of a guest and keeps us aware in another way of what is happening in Bettina Network homes.
We accept cash, checks, credit cards – OR – we invoice your company.
We invite you to look to Bettina Network, inc., when looking for a place to stay for those special guests who are traveling to give a lecture; to collaborate on a research project; to be a tourist; those giving a performance in an extraordinary music event, or etc.
The blog is thought provoking with contributions from members of Bettina’s Lifestyle Community. Once you become a member of this incredibly diverse community, we invite you to write articles, send pictures, float ideas, try out your latest research on a great audience – which, as of today, includes some 2,000 to 3,000 people who are reading the blogs.
In addition, Bettina Network Journal joins us as a new publication, incorporating Bettina Network Blogs, ads and much more. Real Estate is our latest addition to the Journal – which brings into your email box some of Bettina Network Blogs plus other information and experience.
Given our resources, we have information, news, and ideas you won’t find anyplace else. Join our little group, add your voice and use our services. If you would like to receive the ‘Journal’ please send us your email address and we will add you to our list of – as of today – 10,000 people who have signed up.