Bettina’s Chocolate Pudding

copyright the Bettina Network, inc. 2009

There are few dishes as comforting as chocolate pudding!  And, there are even fewer desserts, which are easier to make and harder to fail than chocolate pudding.
We try to keep chocolate pudding in elegant pudding dishes in the refrigerator for those moments of high chocolate need or unexpected guests or after breakfast treat.  We also find guests slipping down to the kitchen late at night to get a dish of chocolate pudding before bed.
+ 6 overflowing tablespoons organic cocoa powder
+ 2 tablespoons organic corn starch
+ 6 tablespoons plus 1/2 cup organic turbinado raw sugar
+ a pinch of salt (careful, don’t make this a big pinch, just enough to sweeten the dish-the way a little salt sweetens cantaloupe.)
Put the above ingredients in a saucepan and stir with a wire wisk until well mixed, no lumps and looking as though they have been sifted.
Put heat under the pan and add:
+ 2 cups organic milk
+ 1 cup organic heavy cream
+ 3 egg yolks, plus 2 eggs (organic eggs only, please)
stir constantly and slowly as you add the liquids until the above mixture begins to thicken and comes to a slight boil – don’t let it become a rolling boil – just bubbles around the edge of the pan.
Once mixture heats up add
+ 1 cup (or more to your taste) semi-sweet organic dark chocolate bits 
mix this in with everything else and continue to stir.
When the mixture thickens, mix in
+ 1/4 to 1/2 cup organic butter (depends upon your taste)
+ One or two tablespoon of vanilla – or amaretto – or raspberry syrup – or etc.,
    also depending upon your taste.
(These are the syrups sold, usually in the coffee section of the grocery store, to add to your morning coffee – yes, Virginia, they are organic.  One brand is “Flavorganics”.  There must be others.  We like the result these syrups give over the extracts.)
Using a ladle or large spoon, pour pudding into the dessert cups or whatever you are using, top with a small saucer turned upside down, to cover, and refrigerate until cool and set.  The saucers keep a coat from forming on top the pudding and saves on waxed paper.  No need to recycle the paper, just wash the saucers after you’ve eaten the pudding!!  A nice touch is to use saucers to match the dessert cups and use the saucer under the cup when serving.
For breakfast, this is nice served warm as a breakfast dessert, freshly made.
You can serve this – once cooled – with whipped cream on top and/or all kinds of other toppings.
You could also use three whole eggs instead of three egg yolks, but the resulting pudding will be lighter, very loose, jiggly and of a totally different texture than the Chocolate Pudding we have come to know and love. Also very nice, if you like that texture pudding.
A suggestion for use of the left-over egg whites would be to make ‘Bettina’s Macaroons’ – a five minute cookie.

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