Bettina Research Group Forming
We e been researching several things – mostly in the legal area, but it has been exciting, fun and will have a huge impact moving into the future.
To gain your goal or not depends a lot upon the foundation you form. Many of us have problems, but how to solve them – and even when we know how to solve them we need the research, the information, the putting everything into the right form, having those on speed dial who can help for an hour or two – is the difference between making change or just getting frustrated.
There have been three of us doing research to try to understand and move forward with what is happening to Robert Bennett. We have been contacted by many people who have or had similar problems and with the same groups. They said what they lacked was knowing what to do.
Well here we are – come join us. Help us for a short time or join for the long haul. We will be open to hearing from people who have problems with which they need help and people who are research capable and can put their experience, knowledge and ability to care and empathize to work for those who get stumped because stumping people is how many acquire huge sums of money.
We started this when we needed to know about a section 12 – the thing Somerville Cambridge Elder Services started harassing and abusing us with having the police pick up Robert on such a charge twice in the same week. We were overwhelmed with the information a friend of our found on the internet, which clarified jus what a section 12 was, how it is used and has been used against minorities and more.
We needed someone to work with us on putting together a case to ask the Legal Bar to consider beginning disbarment procedures against an attorney who apparently has been abusing elders for years. Two people just stepped up and are doing that research now.
We are also researching legal malpractice and will soon be able to change the face of lawyering – well that is a stretch, but we will be able to make small changes.
It is truly amazing the power in such a group. We can do this contactless and for the future we can communicate across the world to work with those having problems. The problem today is just that – how to deal when someone or some groups trip you up for their own selfish reasons. Where do you turn. We are becoming isolated – not just because of coronavirus, but because that is the way this technology is pulling us. So lets use the technology to keep it together and be able to move quickly and with the kind of expertise needed to solve serious life changing problems.
JOIN US! LET US KNOW YOUR area of interest and your expert knowledge.
Make suggestions on how we move ahead, smoother, better, quicker and with a thoroughness that wins the day.
We are going to do this through the Foundation because contributions are tax deductible and we will need plenty, but our results should more than justify the cost. We think the work you provide may also be tax deductible, but we have to check that out.
How to make basic change. That is what complaint groups were formed for – call in your complaint or send info for an investigation – isn’t that what happens. And then you wait and wait and wait and are generally discouraged because nothing great happens and the change you hoped for did not come. Hang on – we are moving into that area.
Bettina Network Foundation, inc. 1-617-497-9166
P. O. Box 380585
Cambridge, MA. 02238