Bettina Oracle talks about Donald Trump!
So much time spent on such a small, mean-spirited human who is turning the world’s attention towards himself. What is going on in the United States is simply the country being exposed for all to see – its history from its beginnings is being highlighted. Those most hurt by the choices made as these United States grew into a super power being held up and given the chance to call for the destruction of the United States or its spirit being renewed into what it could have been from its beginnings.
At the same time what is happening is its last chance for atonement. It is time to say “God forgive” and do what’s necessary to become the country you could have been generations ago.
Now, however, Donald Trump has a serious mission in what he is doing with the United States presidential election. He has been given the chance to atone for the misdeeds of those who went before in his family or to be destroyed for eternity.
So much conjecture, on earth, going on about what Donald Trump is really doing when it is simple and should not be using all of the energy it has used. The media is leading this charge and it needs to take a look at its goals and make some serious changes. Research and report the truth – not the facts turned into ways to extend and gain money and power. That is just as evil as what Donald Trump and those around him are doing.
Donald Trump is doing his best to help a friend. A friend who means everything to him and is responsible for Donald Trump having become President of the United States. That “friend” is Vladimir Putin of Russia. They have common goals and needs for power, control and mostly money. Putin is one of Donald Trump’s mentors – someone he would dearly love to imitate.
The shock Donald Trump felt when it became clear he had lost the election was, at first, unfathomable to him. He knew his friend was going to “fix” the election the same way he did in 2016, but these results said something different. Had he offended?
Having absolute trust in his friends power and need to have Trump in his orbit as President of the United States with all the plans they made for the future, Donald Trump knew something was wrong. He also knew this was his chance to show “Vlad” his loyalty and who he really respected and to whom he would give his life.
The world is conjecturing that this is now about Trump trying to protect his family and others. No – this is about being the bridge across which Vladimir Putin can cross or rest until he is able to move along with the plans they made for the future.
For Donald Trump, he could not “concede” this election until he heard from Vladimir that everything was fine and he would return as President from 2021 through 2024. Even if this was a real loss, he still could not concede or make other decisions about moving forward until he heard from his love – Putin.
Vladimir, however, has not been able to produce for Trump because Vladimir himself is in trouble in Russia and. in addition, having some physical problems, things have not gone as smoothly as he had hoped.
Putin was distracted from concentrating on Trump and the U. S. Election. It was a very bad time for his to have his concentration weakened because those in the U. S. who have that power threw a curve ball by making such a push on “Mail-in ballots.” Mail-in ballots can’t be hacked and the plans made to throw in the number of votes in the places needed was not possible. With Vladimir Putin in a position of weakness from physical and other problems Trump was almost, but not quite, on his own.
Trump disappeared from view because he needed to be immediately available in case messages came telling him what to do to salvage his presidency. In the meantime, he would do what he could to pull his own weight and show Vladimir how great he is as someone who can be relied upon for the jobs ahead. If he was not president then he needed to go about the process of tearing down a country – even one as large and old as the United States – so he and others could flourish.
So far, Vladimir will probably have to retire soon because health and other issues are about to surface and retirement is the best route for him to take.
That leaves Donald Trump on his own without someone else taking care of him for the first time in his life. This is really his last test. Either he will come through and use his God given talents for good or he will show the world and the universe that he is really thoroughly evil and has other directions in which he must go. That would be tragic for Trump.
The United States has its own “proofs” to make and we shall see how well that goes.
Slavery of Africans; genocide of American Indians; using the Chinese to build the railroads in the United States in a form of slavery; sex trafficking of the children of immigrants and so much more.
How will you ever cope to fulfill your promise America. Especially when the first thing you have to do is to stop calling yourselves and feeling as though you are the best country and people in the world. That by itself is evil – can’t you see? Won’t you change?
If not, there will be another Donald Trump in your lives in the not too distant future and that will your end time.