Bettina Oracle Speaks!

You reap what you sow!  You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.

This most recent time has been the end of a very bad cycle.  Let’s hope goodness and love overcomes all and this next cycle brings about a better, gracious, elegant, love-filled result.

When the emotions of greed, the need for power and control, the laziness of using and abusing other humans so you can engage in the pretense of being better than all others in this world – when this evil takes over it is a very painful and horrible result for all and we are seeing that work out today, right in front of all our eyes.

Where are all of you now?  Still in denial?  You need to get clear eyed and fast because what is coming down upon you needs honest, loving, giving people to withstand.

We hear a lot about “fake news”!  What is the “fake news” traveling around the world today?  That Donald Trump had nothing directly to do with the recent violence taking place amongst you.  Fake News claims he only helped it happen with his lies and very ugly actions in which he has engaged.   That is DENIAL!!!!

Why DENIAL?  Because, from where I sit and view all of this, Donald Trump has been directly involved.  Look at just a couple of the facts:

Several months ago Trump announced there would be an “October surprise” that would bring about a big win for his side during the Midterm voting.

Recently, Rudi Giuliani disappeared from the television screen.  Hopefully, that means he knew about and refused to participate in this “October surprise”.

What is that October surprise? Not too many days ago, Trump declared, for the world to see and hear, that he was a “Nationalist”.  He very certainly knew what he said because he prefaced it with a small discussion recognizing that he should not make such a declaration, but he was making it anyway because he is a Nationalist.  He has been leading up to that announcement for weeks. He knew, according to his own words, what the reaction to such a declaration would be, however, he was ready for it with actions in which, it is possible, he apparently participated in planning.

The day after that announcement – an attempt at assassinating the entire leadership of the Democratic Party happened.  Bombs were delivered.  They did not go off, but not because the bombs were a hoax.  They were real, they just were put together by incompetence.  Otherwise, the results would have been enough to declare martial law and move from there to many other happenings giving Trump the space he needed to take over the country and call out the military.  If Trump could call out some 800 plus military to prepare to do battle with destitute men, women and children coming to these United States for refuge and asylum he would have no trouble calling out the military to forcibly take over these United States, suspend its government and establish himself as its dictator.  Isn’t that why he chose to include ex-presidents and others at the top of government to attempt to assassinate?  You were saved that drama by whoever made the bombs.

Days after that happened Trump declared he was NOT a “Globalist”.  The next day a gunman with weapons of war and killed many Jews on Shabbat in their Shule.

Globalist is an old term, still in use in many quarters and it embodies the anti-semitism perpetrated over decades that Jews were taking over the world, etc. etc.  and must be stopped by any means necessary.

Trump was immediately absolved from directly participating in that for spurious reasoning and we neither connected the two events nor did we connect Trump’s declaration as a signal to start the war against those in these United States.

These two events happened one right after the other with no space in-between for the society to recover.  Trump’s promised October surprise?

And instead of calling the people so threatened by the bombs to acknowledge his support of them and his horror at whoever caused this to happen, Trump called no one and expressed no horror – instead he used the attack to attempt to get into the mix one of his pet laws – bring back corporal punishment – bring back the death sentence.  He set that up beautifully by claiming he would see that those who were responsible for the killing of the Jews would be brought to punishment with the same punishment they meted out to others.  He certainly sucked in the Ambassador from Israel to the U. S. with that line.  The man totally missed – or claimed he missed Trump using the event to get something more out of it for his political future.

Again Trump was only given credit for the rhetoric he has used over the past couple years being a part of the genesis for such a happening.  To that was quickly added that he couldn’t be accused of being directly involved nor of having prior knowledge that this would happen  because this had been developing for some time – with some historical references to prove the argument.   Again –  DENIAL.

Trump did not slow down during these ordeals.  His rallies went on as planned.  They  had as a part of their activities the “lock her up” chanting which seems to us to come directly from Vladimir Putin who wants such to happen around Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has obliged almost from day one.  If you squint you will be able to see Putin standing behind Trump orchestrating his actions.

I won’t go into the rest.  You were all participants in it from one side or the other.

Suffice it to say this looks like the “October surprise” Trump promised would happen close to the Midterm voting days.

Trump has followed that promise with another one which is a threat.  If his issues and people don’t win there will be horribleness happening after the votes are tallied.

All of the above looks to us as though it was deliberately planned with Trump’s involvement and the exact time to unleash such seemed to be tied to Trump announcing he is a “Nationalist” and not a “Globalist” with one evil event tied to each announcement.  It is time for you to consider that possibility and move to secure your country from what could happen next.


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The Labyrinth

February 11, 2008

Bread – Bettina Style

January 20, 2008

Republican Women Unite

January 5, 2008

Bread Pudding in honor of Pauli Murray*

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